
😅 Any idea why plants would barely create roots (Basically growing just on top of the soil) and fall over? Don't know if there is a better way to explain this. It's pretty weird.

Is the soil dense or have a high clay composition?

I'm not really sure... we dug it up and mixed in a few bags of veggie garden soil (Can't remember what the stuff was called)
Maybe I need to get a video or photo 😅 might make more sense.

Have you tried staking them?

I'm doing it now, but this is definitely not normal because it isn't the type of plant that usually needs staking. 😅 Might opt for growing everything in containers again next time.

Check the roots to see if they are rotting. If so they are getting over watered. You could maybe try adding phosphorus and/or potassium to help with root growth. Also if they are not getting enough sunlight that might be the cause. You can also maybe get the soil tested for nematodes to see if that is the cause.

Thank you! I'll try all of it. 😁 Something is bound to help 🏹🏹