My Shop's First Order from an Art Commission


Hi! I am back from the moon to earth. Yesterday unexpected happened. I feel my shop had an important notification yesterday because many people asked me on chat if my commission is still available. For most of them, I replied to them late so maybe they can't wait anymore and find another shop for a commission which is sad but it's fine it's my fault and my phone lol I blame my phone didn't notify me.

So yeah this person dm me and I replied late again but this time she look interested so I go for it and waited for her reply then last night I open my shop and I saw a reply so I open it and told me that she checkout for commission also she sent her fur babies photos.

It's been a while since I updated my shop and my shop almost got deactivated because I am inactive for a long time LOL. I was busy planning this idea of a product I am gonna sell and you know looking for the items you needed is hard. It drained me a hundred percent. hehe

So I decided to post a blog update (while still remembering what to write LOL) about the blog I made a few months ago this one -> (Why I Decided To Open Art Commission).





The one I missed is I forgot to return the setting on the product to extend the days to prepare the order. I am thankful that I got a day to finish it. Later I am going to fix it.



Her fur babies. These cuties are the main character in my painting.

The Process


I was about to sleep at that time so before I go to sleep I did is to sketch them and continue the next day.


I was preparing all the materials.


And what I did is I alternated painting the two sketches so I can save time and wait for the other paint to dry. I did not use m hot air blower because it is a waste of electricity hehe I have the sun that burns my back while I am painting.LOL


I started with a few layers, it still looks dull it will get better later.


After that, I use fine line pen to layer those pencil sketches.


I added more layers to make the paint more vibrant. That is how watercolor works layer by layer until you achieve that vibrancy of the paint.


I do the same thing as the first sketch I painted. Add a few light layers and then build the color until your desire.


Look how cute this baby is. Smiling through the camera.


70 percent progress.


After I finish I send some sneak peek photos of the paint and she loves it. I feel relieved when she told me she love it. I am so nervous that I ask her if I am allowed to sign the front of the paint. hahaha. Stupid me. She told me I should be proud of what I did.

The Packing the Order Process

As I said earlier it's been a while since I got my order because my mind is so messy that I can't even visit my shop for a long time. I forgot I pack the order so before it gets messy I practice first.


My First fail, I printed the waybill too big. I only adjust the size on the first option but you need to adjust it to the main printer setting. I wasted one sticker paper on that. I printed the waybill in case the courier will not provide it maybe they will just in case. hehe I am prepared.







The materials I used for my packaging. The backing cardboard is one of my favorites I saw that idea from "pack order with me" on youtube, and I love watching those it so calming. My second favorite is the glassine wrapper which I used to wrap the product I painted some of them with acrylic for design. I printed a flower sticker and my old logo. And the courier pouch which I don't know if they still give for free. I'll try to ask if they still give the seller.


They're ready to be packed. The one on the left side is the one I pack for practice. LOL


I pack the painting in multiple layers so it will surely be shipped safely. This is the first layer of the packaging I put envelope backing and cover the paint with glassine for extra protection.


The back view.


The second layer is the main packing I used the cardboard I recycled as a backing. I put the freebies too. I was supposed to put it on the first layer. And for extra security, I wrap a nylon tread as a ribbon.


The third layer of the packaging is the bubble wrap this is the must-do step for complete security I have still a lot of it so I am recycling it, it wastes not using it.


The final is the courier pouch I still have from a few years ago hehe. Still good as new.


Ready to be picked up later.

The Aftermath




before I go to sleep my goal is to clean the mess I made and finish this blog. I can't sleep because of the cockroach that completely disappear, and MF decided to visit at my busy time. I search the whole room no cockroach was found. haha

The fact that I only pack one order is already a disaster what more when I pack more. I want my effort to be noticed even on the packaging, that is what a small business owner is.

That's all. I hope more orders to come in the future and more blogs to come too. And I have a lot on my draft ready to be published.

So that's it! The commission is still open on my Shopee Shop and many more.






I remember your post about doing commissions, I even commented on it and now here you are.

I like the two dogs. It's not my favorite breed but I judge the artwork. What surprised me is you working on both artworks on the same time gradually.

I hope to see you more often on Hive. Would be nice to be more active.

Oh yeah, I did ~~ I just wanted to let it out of my chest hehehe. Yes yes, I remember yes time flies so fast.
They're so cute, Based on google the breed is pomeranian cute little dogs, Yeah that's true, watercolor paints need the patience to use hehehe.

I hope to, my social battery drains fast so alone time is my energy booster, and busy with life 😀

So good to see you getting commisions Leann. Didn't see you for a while in here. Were you working on your side gigs?

Thank you :))) Yeah, you know me I get stressed socializing so I need more alone time hehehe. Yeah I did I wanna get serious about so I more focus on it.. How about you how are you??

I'm not feeling so well these days. There is something wrong with my digestive health so I can't seem to make art either. I'm at the doctor's place right now to do something about it.

Ohh no~ what happens? did you eat something that made your stomach feel not okay? your new year welcomes you with a digestive problem. life sucks sometimes, I hate going to the hospital I hope you will get recover soon so you can make art again :)))

I have no idea what's causing it. Just finished the consultation with the doctor and she said I might have some issues with nerves or something. This is not a new year problem because I'm having this issue since 2015.

Yeah going to the hospital all the time sucks and it's a huge money drain.

Thanks for asking :)

Oh no, ~ did she give you a prescription medicine for that issue? You should've consulted earlier so maybe your health problem will not get worse.

Oh yeah, the hospital bill sucks!! so expensive you should get your health insurance for that.

Yeah some medicines and I need to visit her again after taking X ray. I did visit many doctors on time before but their treatment didn't work so I was juggling between doctors for a while XD.

It is what it is. After the tests I'll probably get a detailed explanation about the issues.

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thank you hive :))

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sure sure :))

Thank you for your support @leannwithdoublen, much appreciated!

You made it back! It's great you got a pet portrait commission. I'm sure your client will appreciate the care and attention to detail, not only in the portraits but also in how you packaged them. 🌻

Yeah luckily hehe it needs a lot of effort on returning here for me. hehehe I easily drain my energy so I need more alone time. :))) Yeah they love it~ and for me, it is a big relieved that true you make effort to the product and the packaging too :D

That's great! Your efforts and consideration paid off with the commission.

Yes, it can be difficult to find time to blog on a regular basis. Have you considered using a scheduler to help you? Ecency's scheduled posts feature is pretty helpful (even though my device was tripping out with the app last time I used the feature, it is really awesome when it does work).

Have a good one!

OMG They,re so cute!! I'm your fan right now. A big hug!

Good luck with the commissioned works. It is time to sit back and enjoy a wine.


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