A smaller version of the same cat for a commission (oil on paper)

in Sketchbook4 years ago

An happy Saturday to you all! Today is a warm day, but after the morning spent in the bookstore, now I'm at home and I can work on my art in relax.
During these days I'm painting a lot of cats, some of them are works for commission and I like to work on them and to image fantastic family cats.

Today I finished the second piece for my friend Letizia who asked me to paint her fat lovely cat using my own illustrative style. She wanted 2 similar cat portrait in 2 different style: in A4 size and in A5 size. Some days ago I shared with you the larger one (you can read about it here) and now I can show you the smaller version I just finished:

DSCN9957 2.JPG

As you can see in the previous pic, the two versions have just few differences and both of them are oil painting on 200 gsm paper.

(In the pics the smaller cat seems to have a sort of large spot in a shades of light brown, but it just because it has to dry better ^_^)

I sent the pics to Letizia and she loved them so much!


I hope you like them!

See ya soon and happy Caturday!

***If you like my artworks, you can find them on my online shops on
Artfinder ( https://www.artfinder.com/silviabeneforti#/) and on Etsy (https://www.etsy.com/shop/vumap). ^_^ ****


Cute cat. I'm sure these will be loved.

Thanks, Steve! Letizia asked me to paint her fat cat (she's about 9 kg :D ) with all the family on her body. I had so much fun to image a road on that large body. :D

Our cat is pretty fat, but maybe not that big. I think she lost weight since she came to us. I love the fun elements in your art.

👋 Hi @silviabeneforti, I was flipping through the blockchain and stumbled on your work! You've been upvoted by Sketchbook / a community for design and creativity. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon.

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