A cityscape sinking into a rainy night.

in Sketchbook9 months ago

Ne postoji izgovor ako nešto zaista volite. Posvetila sam svakog dana vreme crtanju. . .
Mislim da svako treba da nadje svoj izvor energije. Za mene su to priroda i umetnost. Ne smemo se samo trošiti, moramo se i puniti. Ja sam danas napunila svoje baterije crtajući ovaj pejzaž koji ima neku lepu i melanholiju u sebi. . .
Počinjem skicom. . .

There is no excuse if you really love something. I devoted time to drawing every day. . .
I think everyone should find their own source of energy. For me it is nature and art. We must not only spend, we must also recharge. I recharged my batteries today by drawing this landscape that has some beauty and melancholy in it. . .
I start with a sketch. . .




Srećom, dobila sam neke super olovke na poklon koje su savršeno radile svoj posao. . .✏️✏️✏️

Luckily, I got some great pens as a gift that did the job perfectly. . .✏️✏️✏️


Ovaj tutorijal sam izabrala zbog jednostavnosti boja. Nekako mi je danas baš to trebalo. Meditativno nanošenje najviše dve boje u različitim nijansama.

I chose this tutorial because of the simplicity of the colors. I kind of needed that today. Meditative application of up to two colors in different shades.



Kišni i tmuran dan se najbolje može dočarati nijansama sive boje. Počela sam razlivajući sive tonove od neba ka dnu papira.

A rainy and gloomy day can best be evoked by shades of gray. I started by blending the gray tones from the sky towards the bottom of the paper.


Uvek kada treba da dobijem efekat kiše, koristim pumpicu koja raspršava vodu. Mada i nju treba pažljivo koristiti. Ako ne znate kako, bolje ne koristiti da ne bi dobili neke ne planirane mrlje.

Whenever I need to get a rain effect, I use a water spray pump. Although it should also be used carefully. If you don't know how, it's better not to use it so you don't get some unplanned stains.


Vraćam se četkici. Pojačavam horizont crnom bojom da bi u kontaktu sa svetlim tonovima dobila kontrast i na taj način dočarala deo dana.

I go back to the brush. I strengthen the horizon with black color so that in contact with light tones it gets a contrast and thus evokes a part of the day.






A sada. . . Moj omiljeni deo, prskanje belom bojom. Odličan način da se dočara kiša i poneka krupna kap. Kao što rekoh, obavezno radite četkicom za zube zbog oštre dlake!

And now. . . My favorite part, the white spray paint. A great way to evoke rain and the occasional large drop. Like I said, be sure to work with a toothbrush because of the sharp bristles!




Još nekoliko detalja belom bojim i slika je gotova. Apstraktne crte su jako važne. Apstraktni delovi daju dubinu i neko bogato dešavanje i zaplet slike. Nekoliko crtica može dočarati puno prozora, gužvu ljudi, ulične lampe i tako dalje.
Ok, slika je gotova!

A few more details with white paint and the picture is finished. Abstract lines are very important. The abstract parts give depth and some rich action and plot to the picture. A few dashes can convey a lot of windows, a crowd of people, street lamps and so on.
Ok, the picture is done!




Drago mi je ako ste uživali koliko i ja. 👋✏️

I'm glad if you enjoyed it as much as I did. 👋✏️

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!


So amazing, using the spray bottle was a great idea. The white paint you sprinkled in there made a big difference, crazy how a blank paper turned into this, welldone...

I really liked the comment.

Thank you @leeendah !

it's a watercolor technique right? very good performance i'm still trying to paint with watercolor and it's hard for me not to have control over the painting

Yes, watercolor.

They say, whoever masters watercolor, can do everything else.

Watercolor is difficult, but once you master it, the magic and enjoyment begins!

Go ahead @pollypeace ! 👋

Nicely done. That technique of using the toothbrush is really cool.

Yes, it's great for effects. 👍

Tnx @beerbod !