Ballerina tying her ballet shoes 🩰

in Sketchbooklast year

Balet je teatarski oblik igre koji je počeo da se razvija u zapadnoj Evropi u doba renesanse. Glavni način izražavanja je igračka tehnika. Balet je jedba od najstarijih tehnika i osnova je za sve ostale plesne stilove. Danas sam nacrtala balerinu koja elegantno i sa stilom vezuje svoju baletansku patiku. Uživajte! 🩰

Ballet is a theatrical form of dance that began to develop in Western Europe during the Renaissance. The main way of expression is the game technique. Ballet is one of the oldest techniques and is the basis for all other dance styles. Today I drew a ballerina tying her ballet shoes elegantly and stylishly. Enjoy!




U poslednje vreme, figure i portrete volim da radim kafom a zatim neke detalje obojim odnosno dodam samo jednu do dve boje.
Na neki način, ta tehnika je postala moj izraz koji volim.

Lately, I like to work on figures and portraits with coffee and then color some details, i.e. add only one or two colors.
In a way, that technique has become my favorite expression.



Razmišljala sam zašto baš kafa? Osim što ima jedinstvenu boju i strukturu, slikama daje neki starinski izgled fotografije odnosno patinu.

I was thinking why coffee? In addition to having a unique color and structure, it gives the images a certain vintage look of photography, i.e. patina.




Nijanse kafe dobijam u zavisnosti koliko je razredim vodom. Na ovoj slici, za telo sam jako tanak sloj kafe koristila gotovo nimalo za razliku od materijala haljine i patika kao i kose. Kada se radi SAMO kafom, da bi se razlikovali delovi crteža( tela), neophodno je da se četkicom boji u različitim pravcima i na taj način razdvajati delove tela u ovom slučaju. Jer ako nema ni olovke, onda bi se sve stopilo u jedan nejasni oblik.

I get shades of coffee depending on how much I dilute it with water. In this picture, I used a very thin layer of coffee for the body and almost nothing, unlike the material of the dress and sneakers as well as the hair. When working ONLY with coffee, in order to differentiate the parts of the drawing (body), it is necessary to paint with a brush in different directions and thus separate the parts of the body in this case. Because if there isn't even a pencil, then everything would melt into one vague shape.



Ja sam ipak mojoj balerini dodala malo boje. Na taj način je više izgledala trodimenzionalno. Sve u svemu, zadovoljna sam i mislim da ću večeras mirno spavati. . .🌙✨

I did add some color to my ballerina. That way she looked more three-dimensional. All in all, I'm satisfied and I think I'll sleep peacefully tonight. . .🌙✨

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!


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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!

I like your watercolor painting! Which is not what it seems!

Wow it is too beautiful, and the coloring with that feeling that teleports you in those years of elegance dress. Excellent!

Thank you very much @richjr ! 🥰

I'm glad you have such associations. 👋

Svaka čast! 😍😍💖

Hvala @sanjalica !


Amazing to see this one come to life. Always wondered how the human feet could bend like so. Well done!