Don't Steal From Yourself

in OCD2 years ago (edited)


  • pic designed by me using Canva


How do you give what you do not have?
Who would you be stealing such thing from?

You don't have it but you want to or keep giving it.

When you give you receive but first, have it to give it.

Some persons feel it's no crime if they steal from themselves. They are comfortable stealing from themselves to give to others.

To be selfless is a praiseworthy attribute that comes in various extremities.

The selected few that give more than they have to offer or what they have personally defined as being selfless tend to have experienced accompanying levels of betrayals, disappointments, depression, disapproval and most challenging, health problems.


In all, there's need for moderation.

Life is a gift and how would you feel if you gave out a gift that you expect to be adored and cherished but is being misused?

Some say, give a gift and how it is used shouldn't be of concern to you but this gift of life is not such gift. Whoever gave this gift(life) is on the lookout for those that cherishes it and values that of others.

From the much or little we have, we give. We do not need to steal from others or self to do this.

No guilt found in self-care when done right.

Care for yourself but it shouldn't be at the detriment of others.

Care for others but it shouldn't be at the detriment of self.

Remember, moderation is key.
