in OCD • 2 years ago


Hello everyone 😊.
I hope we are doing great today ?

Happy New year to everyone on hive blog, I wish you a prosperous year filled with good health, peace and joy.

I know last year was the recovering year from the shocking pandemic or new disease called COVID, alot of things changed like.

  • We hardly touch anyone without hand sanitizer, sometimes we great from a distance.

  • We cannot go out without our face masks.

  • We need the vaccine to stay protected ad safe to travel out.

The new system was quite alot to take in, we had to adapt instantly to the changes without question because our lives were at risk.

Last year I realized the price of everything tripped and it is still increasing currently and also some people made profit while some experienced loss last year.

I am grateful I found hive last year were I can learn, communicate and relate with people from around the world. Hive is a great place to be and I am grateful to be part of this family.

I am taking my time to understand hive and how it works, so far I have come to realize that the number 1 strict rule of Hive is No plagiarism.

Plagiarism can stain the name of Hive ,that is why they encourage everyone to make original Contents and be creative with your work.


Today I would be talking about the new year and my plans to get up and achieve my goals.

Setting up goals is not the main thing but achieving it, people had goals last year but some could not achieve it because they lack focus, consistency and a detailed plan to achieve the goal.


  • I would share local food recipes from Nigeria to show our traditional food to the world.

  • I would share more of my daily life activities here in Nigeria and outside vacations.

  • I would share helpful beauty tips for women.

  • I will learn more about hive and how I can be of help to the community.


  • Build my reputation.

  • I would have enough Hive power to vote on people's quality post to encourage them to post more.

  • Accumulate more Hive power to see to it that the hive price will increase and more people will be aware about the coin.

  • Introduction hive to people around me.


  • I will be consistent in creating quality post on hive that are valuable ad helpful.

  • I will take up the hive challenge, I realized there is an achievement board on hive were you get rewarded for engaging in the platform. I will see to it that I complete all the task which will make my reputation to grow.

  • I will make sure to power up frequently, it is a great way to save and you can earn more by voting on post.


By God's grace I would be able to achieve this, the year is just starting and I cat imagine the amount of huge success I will accomplish before the end of the year.

This is my yearly plan for hive and I hope you enjoyed my Contents.

Till next time my dear.
I love you 😘


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Hive Power Up Month - Feedback from day 15
Hive Power Up Month - Feedback from day 10
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