The Reasons Why You Should Have A Spring Form Pan

in OCD4 years ago

The Reasons Why You Should Have A Spring Form Pan


I found out about this type of cake mold when I learned about making raw cakes such as the Cheese Cakes variant.


The raw cakes use the Spring Form Pan which makes it easy to shape the cake and can easily be removed from the mold without affecting the final shape of the cake.

I also managed to get a Spring Form Pan in a complete home hardware store in my city.

Here are some reasons why you should have a Spring Form Pan at home for those of you who love cooking, especially baking.


Non-Stick Coating

Non-stick ingredients are very important for making cakes not sticky so you don't need to worry that your cake dough will stick to the mold. It will also reduce the risk of baking ingredients from burning on the surface of the mold.

Non-stick material also makes it easy for you to clean this mold.


Easy to Remove Cakes

The most important thing from the function of this type of molds is to remove the cake easily.

Spring Form Pan is equipped with features such as a hook.


Next, we just need to move the hook so that the edges of the mold will be released from the bottom of the mold. This will make the cake mixture automatically remove from the mold easily.

With varying sizes, you can adjust it to your needs.


I am quite satisfied to have this mold in my kitchen and I have used it to make chocolate cake some time ago.

What do you think of the Spring Form Pan? Do you want to have it too or currently you already use it?


I have this spring form pan, really easy to use and non-sticky as well. User-friendly pan...

Great you have this one. I just have this one a couple of weeks an ago

I think I've seen it just once. I love how useful it is. I don't exactly know where to get it yet though

Really useful and worth to have in your kitchen

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Thanks for the information, haturnuhun.

Wow! This is very interesting! The liquid does not leak!! Very good.

Yuup and Im lucky to have this one :)

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