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RE: Final preparations : Finishing the Bags, Kimchi Preparation, Cleaning, Moving the Plants and many other missions... ! [EN - FR]

in OCD2 years ago

I only know the Polish way of fermenting

And it's already a great knowledge ! I would love to taste some, I think I will have to find a Polish restaurant in Paris...

I will have to move my ass and finally make kimchi.

Obviously, te pleasure comes from the action of preparing it, but I could also send you a jar ^^ I remember the day I received some sourdough that my brother sent me by post, haha !
Special surprises, special people :)

Yeah, Oyas are nice ! Can't wait to find some for the future garden..

Have a nice day end and evening !


I wonder if they would have the polish fermented cucumbers. Not the same as pickles. They have the sourness that come from the fermenting, not vinegar. Quite amazing stuff!
And when they are freshly done, only after few days in a jar they have different flavor too.

I found some recipe if you are brave enough to try.. We (my mum) doesn't add mustard seeds though, but adds a piece of horseradish root and a leaf from a sour cherry tree or grape vine. Don't ask me why, its magic :)

I indeed don't think I'll be able to find some, and now that you gave me this magical recipe ^^I think I will thousand times prefer to try it myself :)

Thought a lot about you and photography today, as I was doing a little shooting, what would you advise as a good camera, good quality for modest budget ? I had an old Nikon reflex with nice objectives and focus, but I need to repair it...

I hope you're doing well and that your #raindance worked in Portugal :D

Ohhh I don't have too much experience with different cameras. I use Nikon D550 most of the times and I am very happy with it. I have few lenses with autofocus for it.
But I also have Sony a7, but mainly for old manual lenses and I use that one less. It is a great camera though. If you can, get the Sony. It is much smaller and have few cool features that the Nikon doesn't have that helps focusing (handy for the manual lenses) and the viewer actually shows what the photo will look like after taking it.

Thanks you for your answer :)

Both seems nice for different reasons. I'll think a bit about, but I know my mother already have few Nikon objectives that she could borrow me, that will surely tip the balance ^^

Maybe in the months following the start of the school year I will be a little better equipped !
I wish you a pleasant evening :)