Reflecting on My Delegation's Experience at COY17 2022, EGYPT

in OCDlast year

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As the dust settles and the memories linger, I find myself reminiscing about the exhilarating and transformative journey my delegation and I embarked upon at the Conference of Youth (COY) 17 in 2022, Egypt. It was an extraordinary gathering that brought together young changemakers from across the globe, united by a shared commitment to creating a sustainable future. In this post, I want to share the highlights of our delegation's experience, the lessons we learned, and the inspiration that continues to fuel our drive for positive change.


Four Bangladeshi Delegates in Egypt

A Platform for Collaboration and Empowerment:
COY17 proved to be an exceptional platform for collaboration, learning, and empowerment. The event provided a unique space for young leaders, activists, and innovators to come together and amplify their voices, aspirations, and solutions for climate change. Through workshops, panel discussions, and interactive sessions, we were able to share our experiences, challenges, and successes, exchanging ideas and forging meaningful connections with fellow delegates.


Expanding Horizons and Diverse Perspectives:
One of the most enriching aspects of COY17 was the opportunity to gain insights into diverse perspectives on sustainability and climate action. Our delegation engaged in dynamic conversations with participants from different cultural, social, and economic backgrounds. These interactions challenged our preconceived notions, broadened our understanding, and fostered a deeper appreciation for the interconnectedness of global challenges. It was truly inspiring to witness the passion, creativity, and dedication of young people from every corner of the world. I was selected as a delegate from Bangladesh to join COY17 (2 - 5 November ).

Addressing Urgent Climate Issues:
COY17 also played a vital role in focusing our attention on the urgency of addressing climate change and its myriad implications through the Youth Statement. Workshops and sessions facilitated discussions on pressing issues such as renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, biodiversity conservation, and social justice. We learned about innovative approaches, effective advocacy strategies, and grassroots initiatives that are making a tangible difference in communities around the world. This exposure to real-world solutions has empowered us to take action and contribute to the larger sustainability movement.


Mobilizing for Change:
The conference was not just a platform for discussion; it was a call to action. COY17 galvanized us to think critically, to question the status quo, and to work towards tangible solutions. From mobilizing local initiatives to advocating for policy changes, our delegation returned home with a renewed sense of purpose and determination. We recognized that the fight against climate change requires collective action, and we felt empowered to be part of a global network committed to creating a sustainable future.

Sustaining Momentum:
While COY17 may have come to an end, the impact it had on our delegation's mindset and actions continues to resonate. The connections we made and the knowledge we gained serve as a constant reminder of our responsibility as young leaders in driving sustainable change. We remain actively engaged in various projects and campaigns, utilizing the skills and inspiration we acquired at COY17.

Attending COY17 2022 was an unforgettable experience that shaped the trajectory of our delegation's commitment to sustainability. The conference provided us with the tools, knowledge, and motivation to become effective agents of change. As we reflect on the journey, we are grateful for the opportunity to be part of a global movement that embraces the power of youth in shaping a more sustainable and equitable world. COY17 was not just an event; it was a stepping stone towards a future we believe in. Moreover, it was a great experience to meet a lot of new friends in my journey to achieve a sustainable future.


Great to hear this update from you, my friend! You're doing great work, always thinking of how to help the others and the entire world.

Thank you for your continuous support . You are a great friend.

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