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RE: An introduction to the best part of me

in OCD5 months ago

Spoke to you a while ago and decided to stop by your intro post, wow, I'm impressed. Hive in general can be very complex so kudos to you for navigating it quite well and quite fast as well. Your writing skills are very evident, and your reading skills also show as well cause I'm sure you read through multiple articles to really grasp these terms.



Well shit @b0s, this post is older than 7 Days days.
Please try PIMPin' a different post.
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Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

Hi there. Thank you for visiting. I did read a lot to get a hang of it. I had lots of help on threads and in the Terminal. I realized with so many people willing to help, a newbie will be able to learn a few things to get them started. I experienced that. Miss KittyGirl recommended dreemport and a lot of other people pointed me to the right community. So far, it's been a worthy experience. Thank you for following me too. I'ma follow you back.