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RE: Top 3 position seems inevitable for India as COVID-19 infections continues to rise exponentially!

in OCD4 years ago

Yes, the medical charges are very high and especially in private hospitals. Here in Chennai, proper testing happens only in private hospitals. One of my friend's family had a bad experience. They were taken to the quarantine center for no reason. Then later they got a letter from the corporation and tested in a private hospital to provide that it was a false alarm. It cost him 40 thousand per day per person. Not everyone can afford that. After all that my friend told me that the experience he and his family had was more stressful than the disease itself. So, no one should get this disease. I hope the planet heals faster from this.


That's a bad experience for sure. No one needs to go through this. The virus is bad enough but dealing with our systems can be worse!

Yes, that's right. My friend told me, the disease is fine but we have to be careful because of this system. They take good care in the quarantine centers it seems but who would want to be there without even having the disease. The state governments are just trying to show some good numbers to the central government to get some decent funds allocated to them. Sadly, innocent people become a victim.

Edit: It is Bala here. Used the wrong account to post. :)

Gotcha! :)