How I spent my morning hours in the presence of God

in OCD2 years ago
Greetings to all hivians and a warm welcome to you all to my post.

I find it worthy to share with you all how I spent yesterday's day with style while also sharing with the word of God I received during the church service. I believe this is at least somehow worth reading, continue reading as I walk you through.

The church picture captured by me:

My Morning Activities

Because I planned to attend Mass service yesterday being a Christian which is why I woke up as early as 7:13am. This time might not be really early hour for waking up to many but to me, it is.
Immediately I woke up, I quickly rushed to the restroom where I cleaned myself. It took me not more than 15 minutes before I was done with that then went back to my bedroom where I took out time doing the necessaries such as rubbing of body cream and dressing. By the time I finished all these, it was already 7:40am then I departed to church.

I got to church at 8:00am (scheduled time for service) that means I was somehow late but was very lucky to find out that the church service was yet to commence. I went and sat in waiting patiently for when the church service will commence and it finally kicked off at 18 minutes past 8.

Congregation in the church

Yesterday also, I worshiped with the Christian community of St. Elizabeth Catholic Church, Akiama Bonny island Rivers State Nigeria and the church service was conducted by the priest in charge Rev Fr. Godspower Amele.
During the church service, all the activities were carried out as per the Catholic doctrine of which to mention but few are liturgy of the word/liturgy of the Eucharist, offering of gifts from people to God, Homily (sermon)etc.

Readings before The Homily (Sermon)

I see great need to share the Homily (preaching) I received yesterday since the word of God is life as they says.

Before the preaching comes reading from the Bible. I present to you in a tabular form below readings that were carried out yesterday in the entire Catholic church.

First ReadingDeuteronomy 30:10—14
Responsorial PsalmPsalm 69:14, 17, 30—31, 33—34, 36, 37 (see 33)
Second ReadingColossians 1:15—20
GospelLuke 10:25—37

The Homily

The Homily which was centred compassion was themed "Go and do likewise"
This was coined from the gospel of the day which Jesus Christ narrated the story of a good Samaritan. The story which was narrated when a scholar of the law attempted to test him by asking him what he ought to do in order to inherit the eternal life.
Jesus then instructed him to love God with and his neighbor wholeheartedly. Asking further, the scholar asked Jesus whom his neighbor is and that was when the story of the good Samaritan came out.

  • Brief summary of the good Samaritan story

As many of you might have read, how a man was bitten and left half dead by robbers while journeying to Jerusalem and there somes a priest who passed the other side leaving the victim likewise a Levite who followed. But when a Samaritan (a supposed enemy) arrived the scene, he had compassion on him. He descended from his his own animal and after first aid, took him to an inn and asked that he should be taken a proper care of. When Jesus finished the story he asked the scholar who then is the neighbor in the story and he (the scholar) answered, the good Samaritan and Jesus replied him "go and do same".

The priest in his homily charged worshipers who today are the Levites and the priest to learn how to do good. Giving and emphasis he said, the priest avoided the victim because of the fear of sinning against the temple. In his conclusion the priest maintained that, God is in our heart and not in the church. Also that we ought to do good at all times since we are Christ-liket, noting that Christ is the visible image of the invisible God.

After the church with my brother

The church service later ended at few minutes before the eleventh hour and I set back home.

I wish us all a super week ahead


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