
I think for suggestions I would look to whatever you are passionate about, which only you can answer. For me that's making electronic music with modular suynthesizers (which is admittedly is pretty niche!)

But I'm also really interested in people's journey and back story - for example how they got to where they are and where they are going, (on hive and in terms of career, creative output, lifestyle etc) - I find that backstory and insight into people's goals interesting. I will almost always read posts like that because I think most people who are dedicated enough to take the time to write about those things have something interesting to tell and there is often something that I can learn from in terms of their attitude or process.

Good luck with it all and welcome again!

Thank you, I must think about what I am interested in more. I was writing specific content where I had subject, now I must find out a subject to write for it is kinda challenging...