Legendary Reunion

in OCD4 years ago


No expectation was in the air, literally no clue was in the air
Once they were chums, close chums
But time changed their ways, they went apart ways
While going different ways they said these words, never again, they said never again.

Their friendly partnership was an example once, stories are just for once
Every story ends, everything exists then ends
This story is no different, nothing is different
Everyone's story is related in some ways, one or other ways.

But now a twist is rising, a mystery is rising
One of them is calling for reunion, in the environment of impossible reunion
This reunion effort is in question, their intentions are in question
Opposite door is not opened yet, one side story yet.

When past marks returns, those painful memories returns
In this moment they brought past disaster, heartbreaking disaster
When emotions are out, new reality came out
Unbelievable reunion, legendary reunion.

giphy - 2020-06-25T045320.206.gif

"This is my original and opinionated work".

(Pictures are edited and used from the Canva application).

Thanks and regards,
Chiranjeevi Sarikonda
(Spread Love, Spread Kindness)
Stay Blessed



@ctime, You can't imagine my situation, i am putting my day night efforts into my work. I am putting my KARMA into my work and i don't deserve these downvotes.

We always have a choice, we can do so much good or so much bad with whatever power we hold. In my opinion we all can spread goodness and little bit hope in this hopeless world.

Let's spread some love and kindness in this harsh world. Stay blessed always.