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RE: [Not] coming back to the future

in OCD4 years ago

Besides the normal stuff, going to the past thousand years and stuff, I think my first two trips would be to visit my grandmothers and if I could without ruining the laws of travel etc. get to know them as the grandson one of them would never meet and the other one she would barely get to know.

My dads mom died when he was 12 so that was a really big point in his life and he speaks of how wonderful she was but I obviously never got to experience that. If I could just have one day with her, I think it would be totally worth any money it would cost for such time travel stuff. I would love to tell her at the end of my visit that she raised an excellent son that has been an incredible father and husband. It would be challenging to leave but it would be something I could do to put her at ease.

My other grandmother died when I was about 5 or 6 but my only memory of being around her was Christmas one year when I think I was 4, I remember running in their hallway with the plane she bought me. I’ve heard she was a loving woman but I unfortunately don’t remember it, given I was so young. I would like to spend a day with her, watch her sew that she was famous for and cook with her and her popular dinner parties.

After that, I think I wouldn’t be entirely sure what to check out first. There are several times I would like to visit but what one guest would be challenging.


I think many would like to visit, or revisit, family members from the past; Reconnecting, or just knowing them would be a good use of a time machine right? It would also be funny to bring them back to the future so they could see what their future generations had achieved.


Oh man I couldn’t imagine bringing someone that didn’t get past the 1970’s to 2020 lol

‘You know the flu right?’ ‘Yes?’ ‘Yeah in 2020 people aren’t leaving their houses for 4 months and are driving around with masks and gloves in their own cars...’

Haha, they'd not recognise the place...And I reckon would want to get the hell out of here!

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