[Not] coming back to the future

in OCD4 years ago

This week my #weekend-engagement topic is a little deeper than the previous weeks...It asks, what would you do if you had a time machine. You can take a look at the post right here and for your comment you'll have the chance to win some of the 115 hive in the prize pool. It's a simple contest designed around fun. Go take a look if you like.

I've always been very interested in history and spend much of my free time learning about events both natural and created, historical places and people. It fascinates me as I find the past much more interesting than the modern era and society. I think people were more interesting too. For this reason my thoughts have often wandered to the concept of time machines and where or when I would go to if I was to have one.

I'd like to say I can narrow it down to just one place, time or event but to be honest I don't think that's possible for me. There are so many things I'd love to discover, truths I'd like to uncover and happenings I'd like to observe...Isolating just one of them is not something I think I could ever do.

What I know though, is that I would dearly love to time and place travel.

Of course, I'd hardly like to land myself into the midst of some historical turmoil, a battle between the armies of Mercia and the Dane Viking hoard in 877 for instance, so as long as I have some control over where I landed and was impervious to harm whilst time-travelling I think it would be the coolest thing ever. (OK, I wouldn't mind the battle scenario - I'd join the Danes though. Lol)

Here's the thing about time travel for me though; I'm not sure if I'd want to come back to the future...Like ever! In fact, I'm sure I'd not want to come back.

I have visions of time travelling all over the world, through time and space, learning about all those things that have puzzled me, piqued my curiosity or have seemed remotely interesting. I would be in my element and it's doubtful I'd want to come back to 2020 and live in society as we know it now.

Of course all that time travel might mean I may discover a time and place that I loved so much I'd want to stay and, once again, I'm just not sure where or when that may be. It wouldn't be 2020 though. In this case I'm sure I'd want to live comfortably so would use my time travelling ability to ensure that was the case...Not as a super-wealthy person...Just comfortable. I'm more of a cabin in the woods guy than a penthouse on 5th Avenue guy so somewhere in the wilderness, with a few accoutrements of comfort around me would suit just nicely. I suppose being in possession of a time machine would make providing this comfort quite achievable.

When I posed the question on the #weekend-engagement topic post yesterday I had visions of people saying 2010 so they could buy bitcoin and it has been mentioned. I guess I felt the same way, and probably still do, however so many mentioned points in the planets', and human, history which I think is pretty cool also. There's no right or wrong answer, and with a time machine there's really no inhibitor to seeing it all right?

I'm not one to think much about the implications on the future by changing the past...It gives me a headache I suppose. Although one can't change something without implications so it's a very interesting concept. Eliminate someone from the past and the future could be so vastly different...That goes for all the bad people too...Out of bad things springs good right? Of course eliminating histories bad actors would be tempting I know! For me though it wold be all about the learning and experiencing aspect.

So, despite posing this question to the hive team I think it's a very difficult one to answer for myself. Where would I go? Everywhere. What time or era would I go to? All of them. I know, not a very good answer huh? Lucky I'm not eligible to win my own competition as I'd fail miserably I think!

Anyway, if you're reading this you're a part of the hive team and if you want to engage with a heap of others, start a few relationships or simply win some free hive head over to the week seven topic post take a look, throw a comment there and be in the running!

In the mean time, I'm hopping into my time machine and heading off to that time when I had sugar and cinnamon donuts in the house to grab a couple! 😉

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised.

Be well
Discord: galenkp#9209

Saturday's track of the day: Hear and watch it here.


You watch a bit of Quantum Leap back in the day?

Yep, I used like that show. Scott Bakula? Decent show.

Besides the normal stuff, going to the past thousand years and stuff, I think my first two trips would be to visit my grandmothers and if I could without ruining the laws of travel etc. get to know them as the grandson one of them would never meet and the other one she would barely get to know.

My dads mom died when he was 12 so that was a really big point in his life and he speaks of how wonderful she was but I obviously never got to experience that. If I could just have one day with her, I think it would be totally worth any money it would cost for such time travel stuff. I would love to tell her at the end of my visit that she raised an excellent son that has been an incredible father and husband. It would be challenging to leave but it would be something I could do to put her at ease.

My other grandmother died when I was about 5 or 6 but my only memory of being around her was Christmas one year when I think I was 4, I remember running in their hallway with the plane she bought me. I’ve heard she was a loving woman but I unfortunately don’t remember it, given I was so young. I would like to spend a day with her, watch her sew that she was famous for and cook with her and her popular dinner parties.

After that, I think I wouldn’t be entirely sure what to check out first. There are several times I would like to visit but what one guest would be challenging.

I think many would like to visit, or revisit, family members from the past; Reconnecting, or just knowing them would be a good use of a time machine right? It would also be funny to bring them back to the future so they could see what their future generations had achieved.


Oh man I couldn’t imagine bringing someone that didn’t get past the 1970’s to 2020 lol

‘You know the flu right?’ ‘Yes?’ ‘Yeah in 2020 people aren’t leaving their houses for 4 months and are driving around with masks and gloves in their own cars...’

Haha, they'd not recognise the place...And I reckon would want to get the hell out of here!

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I saw your post and question last night just before I went to bed and have continued to think about it.

I love history, and there are so many places that I would love to visit and people that I would love to meet, if I had a time machine. But I can't think of a single time that I would want to stay in for very long. The world has had such turmoil. I would be good at living a pioneer life and living off the land, though and would enjoy a quiet life living on my own homestead.

But if I could go back just a short distance, I would choose to go back 25 years ago when I could still walk with ease and before my MS progressed to the point that it's at now. Being able to walk again would be my wish for a time machine.

That would be a wonderful use of a time machine, going back a short way to a better time of ones' life.

I also agree that there would be so many times and places to go and that makes it difficult to pinpoint one given time or place.

For me I'd like to be in a time where there were less people and when a person had to be more self-reliant. I could reside in a place like that. Less noise, less commercialism and materialism. Of course back in those days life was a bit harsher so I'd probably take some modern aspects of life, medicine for example, to make life a bit more comfortable.

If I had a time machine I wouldn't be in 2020, the present much at all, there's far too much I want to see and experience.

Thanks for joining in.


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What a great answer, nothing fancy or selfish. I would wish for you to get a time machine just for this reason!

Thanks so much! ❤️ I have grown and learned so much by living the lifestyle that I have been forced into that I probably wouldn't change anything even if I could, but the opportunity to walk again would be so tempting!

Oh you would go quite back in time. I also believe I would be tempted to never return. Could it be a certain nostalgia we have for the past? I wonder if 400 years from now if there will be people wishing they would go back in 2020.Lol.

Time is so much like northern lights. It always changes, it's never the same, you always stand in awe while contemplating.

Uhm.... Donuts.. 😍 I feel like Homer now hahha


Hmm, not sure there'll be any humans around in 400 years. You and I will be dead so we'll never know I suppose.

Hmmm or not, maybe we will freeze ourselves or turn digital. Ooo wouldn't that be awesome. I wonder how will people be so far away into the future

Digital people? Yeah, sounds hideous. I prefer the no people option better.

Haha, I can understand that!

P. S. What a video... The statistics... Wow. You've told me about this band before. I guess it's a hard truth to swallow to know this

It's disgusting how combat veterans are largely left to their own devices and offered little to no support. Most governments don't and the vets pay the price.

It's very sad, they definetely deserve so much more!

hello dear friend @galenkp good day
I share your opinion, I also agree that if you have the opportunity to travel in time I would not do a single thing, I would love to go back to solve some unfinished things, restore my financial disorder to leave a good inheritance to my loved ones. By being equal to you, I would join the Danes in battle, although the bravery of the Vikings is admirable, their hands went up.
I take the opportunity to wish you a wonderful day

Here's the thing about time travel for me though; I'm not sure if I'd want to come back to the future...Like ever! In fact, I'm sure I'd not want to come back.

I suppose being in possession of a time machine would make providing this comfort quite achievable.

Yeah! I know you are an enthusiastic explorer and curious youngster and you prolly don't know yet that for time travelling you'll need at least a team of over 36,000 people backing you and not only a shiny custom made DiY DeLorean. But don't worry, it's my gift for you regardless of your age. LoL :)

Lol...I used to watch that show as a kid in the 1970's. 😂

Talking about going back in the past, and accidentally landing somewhere bad, it instantly reminded me of Blackadder. There was a special time-travelling episode that I loved, and surely you don't want to drop your machine right in front of a dinosaur, or in the middle of the Battle of Waterloo.

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I like Blackadder.. Way funnier than the comedies of today!

Hugely amazing, and as they say, they don't make them like they used to. Or at least, so many people are easily offended by little things these days, that I don't think such blunt comedy would make it. That, and Monty Python are my favourites. Probably re-watched them at least a dozen times each over the years!

People's tastes have changed these days and I suppose comedy shows have had to change with it. I don't find much comedy funny these days as mostly the stand up comedians are politically motivated or are required to be too careful about what they say. Heaven forbid a vegan gets upset...

Jesus H. Christ, hell hath no fury when a vegan gets upset. I'm awfully petrified to talk about the subject unless in hush whispers, even though the whole veganism thing hasn't much reached Malaysia yet. I swear, I'd rather get into a heated debate with a Nazi over all the nasty shite that Hitler's done, than trying to justify to a vegan that eating meat is actually okay.

Yeah...They amp up don't they?

I don't mind vegans, I just wish they'd shut the fuck up and eat rather than trying to convert everyone, or denigrate them for not being vegan. Not all do this, but most I've met do. I don't understand why they can't just be them, and let everyone else who isn't them be themselves.

Yeah, I can agree 100% to this statement. Some are fine, and they're happy to be vegan by themselves. Others are preaching harder than Mormons as to how being vegan makes them better than everyone else, and how shite you are for not being one of them. Truly, there must be a special place in hell reserved for people like that. 👿