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RE: My name is Victoria and this is my first post on Hive

in OCD3 years ago

Welcome to hive! I’m glad that you’re on here with us, it’s a wonderful place full of lots of great people!

I am glad that you have tried us out! Having people around that can introduce you to it is helpful so they can be your guide. With this though, one of the most important pieces is to make sure you engage with people on their posts and not just leave. Comments are more important than posting so I think with your animal love, there are a bunch of animal communities you can visit and interact with people to grow your audience. Keep that up and you’ll do great!

We’ve got a beginner zone, so-to-speak that has lots of important information you can learn from. I would recommend you check it out to learn some stuff about the place, lots of great information is posted there.

One of the things I wanted to do is give you a piece of advice that could make this place awesome for you! Talking with some of the people who have been here for a while, we remember one of the best things we did was find other people’s posts through others or go looking and start commenting meaningful things. If you drop small phrases it won’t get you much attention but if you look at a persons post and leave a great comment, a lot of times they will appreciate it and talk with you. If you continue to do this you will develop a friendship with them and will gain followers and grow your account. This is not an easy and fast process. It takes time but the more effort you put in the more you can be rewarded, with limitations of course.

I just say this in hopes you go out there and really connect with people and grow your account. The more we all do this, the more people will come here to take advantage of such a great place.

With commenting and posting, we consume what’s called ‘resource credits’ and in the beginning you don’t have a lot, you have to earn more. If you want to consistently comment and post, the website does 10 day delegations for you to increase your credits to comment or post. Give it a try if you need some! Please feel free to ask me about this if you are confused!

There’s also a great article that can answer a lot of the questions you may have. Please visit it at:

Here are also some great communities of people you can check out! The list is a work in progress so please take them as suggestions but there are a LOT of others besides these!

Leo Finance
HODL Community

Natural Medicine



General posting




Writing (poetry, free writes, stories)

Microsoft Excel


Thank you very much for such an informative comment! learned a lot of new and useful things for herself. And I will definitely get acquainted with the communities you have offered me!