My name is Victoria and this is my first post on Hive

in OCD3 years ago

Hi to all! A few months ago, @scrodinger and @alexandra.lokki told me about this place, but I did not have time to start. But you still need to start sometime, so when a few days ago I was reminded of the possibility of blogging, I decided that I could try. I do not promise that I will be very active in publishing, but I will try!


My name is Victoria and below you will understand why I so totally lack time for additional hobbies. But let's start in order. I am more than 30 years old, I have lived in the best city in the world - Odesa since birth. At least I think it is, because of the atmosphere, architecture, cosy courtyards and the presence of the sea.


I work as a dermatologist, and in my free time, I deal with the issue of homeless animals. This is quite a difficult job because you get tired not only physically but also morally. Besides, I don't get paid for it, I can't take a vacation from this volunteering, because I understand that the life of furry people who are forced to live on the streets depends on my activity.


Kindness, mercy, helping the weak and a sense of justice were instilled in me in my early childhood, in my family. Since childhood, we have had animals, and most of them are picked up on the street, saved by my loved ones. And somewhere in that period, I began to actively feed street animals and spend pocket money on them, not chocolate for myself. Therefore, I can't even remember exactly which of them was the first.


Unfortunately, more and more abandoned animals appear on our streets. These can be very small kittens, puppies - offspring from pets, elderly animals that are no longer needed by their owners, animals that need help, disabled animals. People have become very cruel, and show the lowest and most disgusting features and do not think about what awaits those whom they left and betrayed on the street, what their future fate is.

I have never counted how many animals I found and rescued by being in the right place at the right time. The cases were different. Pedigree animals, both cats and dogs. Found a Persian cat, an abandoned sphinx. And a huge number of different breeds.



By and large, I have been very active in animals for about 10 years. And in all this, I am happy with how many I was able to find a new home and loving owners. At such moments, you realize that you are not doing it just like that.

I will write in more detail about my volunteer work in one of the following posts in the relevant group on animals. There are such stories that are still unbelievable. In addition to working with animals, I love walking around the city and taking pictures of it, as well as exploring what is outside. That's why sometimes you manage to leave Odesa and visit something interesting.


I love going to the theatre and exhibitions. It can be the work of photographers, artists and sculptors. I also love to visit the Opera House for various concerts. In general, I like completely different music - from classical to heavy rock. And, of course, I like to spend time at home and just relax. At the same time preparing something tasty for yourself and turn on an interesting movie.



Here I am going to write first of all about my volunteer activity, as well as about my hobbies. It would be great if this blog could help me with this. And of course, I'm happy to be a part of this wonderful network! 🙃


Welcome vic.ivantsova!
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Welcome to Hive! Odessa looks like such a nice city. I love that you've been been rescuing cats! We have a little rescue cat ourselves. It's extremely rewarding to see them starting to thrive and enjoy life.

Enjoy your time here on Hive. My two biggest tips to start off will be to explore the different kinds of communities and also spending some time engaging with people. Reading, voting and commenting on others posts is the best way to spread your name around.

Thank you very much for the advice! My curator told me about it and I will definitely do it in my free time!
Odessa is really a very beautiful city. And cats ... From the first day they are rescued, they turn into incredibly beautiful, gentle, domestic cats.

I can see your heart is really there for those animals and I'm happy people like you exist. There's a blessing attached to those who care for those abandoned and I think you are walking in it. Welcome to hive 💕

Thanks! I can't get past these animals... They are so defenceless in this world ((
I am ready to be without a blessing to save at least one more life ...

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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

Hive Power Up Month - Feedback from Day 21

Hello, @vic.ivantsova! This is @anggreklestari from the @OCD team. We saw that you already posted your first post here in Hive Blockchain! Congratulations and welcome!

Well, you can explore the communities that are suitable for your content. You can read some of the communities in this post: OCD Communities Incubation Program

For tips and information as a Hive newbie, click here: newbie guide.

The important thing is Hive is a bit different from other social media platforms since you are monetizing your blog. You can't include content that you don't own without sources. For more information, check this post: Why and How People Abuse and Plagiarise.

If you have questions or concerns, you can hop into OCD's Discord server and we'll gladly answer your questions.

Have a great day!

Thank you very much!

Hi Victoria, welcome to Hive. Looking forward to seeing your posts on you volunteer work.

Hello! Thanks! I have already prepared a post about it and it will be possible to get acquainted with it tomorrow. There will be some stories about rescued cats ... I will post a link to the post here

Those cat pictures 😻 Welcome to hive @vic.ivantsova

Thank you very much!

Hello, Victoria! You have a wonderful first post! You designed everything correctly and wrote everything very frankly! I'm glad I was able to convince you to join Hive.
I regret that I did not write the comment first due to a lack of time 😔
I hope you will give an answer to everyone today, as we agreed ❤️

Thank you for convincing me to come here to publish my history!