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RE: Uncle G-dog's weekend hive-giveaway winner(s)

in OCD4 years ago

Hahaha, I actually congratulate you on the idea, it is really nice and once I feel inspired I can't focus on anything else like worries and stuff like that. Limiting the number of characters would be wise, there are some who really write and write and write.... 👀👀😂😂


there are some who really write and write and write...

Hmm, yes there are indeed. Lol.

I've got a few ideas, and am open to suggestions.

Favourite food and why. Or worst food experience. But then there would be too many "how I threw up" kind of stories lol. I have food in my mind now😂

Food is always good! I want to open it up so that people can write literally anything. I think it could be fun and will probably do it each week. Maybe pick up a sponsor or two. Could be a good way to expose people to other people, get some introductions happening.

Exactly! That is why I loved the initiative, it helps people open up more. Mmmm foood😍😍