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RE: [Not] coming back to the future

in OCD4 years ago

Oh you would go quite back in time. I also believe I would be tempted to never return. Could it be a certain nostalgia we have for the past? I wonder if 400 years from now if there will be people wishing they would go back in 2020.Lol.

Time is so much like northern lights. It always changes, it's never the same, you always stand in awe while contemplating.

Uhm.... Donuts.. 😍 I feel like Homer now hahha



Hmm, not sure there'll be any humans around in 400 years. You and I will be dead so we'll never know I suppose.

Hmmm or not, maybe we will freeze ourselves or turn digital. Ooo wouldn't that be awesome. I wonder how will people be so far away into the future

Digital people? Yeah, sounds hideous. I prefer the no people option better.

Haha, I can understand that!