Ways To Kill The Beast Called DEPRESSION

in OCD4 years ago (edited)

To be depressed is like being caged in the dark, and waiting and hoping for help that may never come. But some see depression as another or perfect synonym for unhappiness.

While they may somewhat be right, depression is a "beast" that doesn't respect the age of an individual, whether you're in your teenage period, midlife stage, or as the case may be.

Losing your life because of depression

I don't want to bug you with any statistics of depression, and how it has led to the death of millions of unfortunate people. But right in my memory bank is the pathetic story of a young guy I heard of some two years ago. Very heartbreaking.

Can Sniper Insecticide Kill Depression?

This undergraduate in his early twenties killed himself. By drinking sniper insecticide. According to what was reported, he had committed suicide from the frustration of his poor grades in his school work in the university.

So pathetic. But don't forget that's just an account of the plethora of people depression has ripped off. An irreparable rip-off. Death!

Thus, you sure want to kill it before it takes you down. But how can one kill this frustrating "beast" called depression, if he or she doesn't know the root cause of it.

True, medical experts believe that there are lots of possible causes of depression in a person's life, but it's not farfetched that depression (of any kind or level) was birthed in one's mind. No wonder, many refer to it as a mental illness.

However, below are...

3 Major Ways To Kill Depression

1. Refuse to be beaten by the pressure to belong

What do you long to belong to?

No doubt, the need to belong is generic in humans. And it explains why many people do what they do. Today, social media has fueled this innate need in human beings, more than ever.

Many youths who are suffering from depression today, got attacked through social media such as Facebook and the likes. But how? You'll ask.

The answer is simple. Comparison.
This leads us to a very important point.

But please note, I'm in no way saying social media is bad. Neither am I saying that you should exit yourself off every online social platform-- which can be great source or avenue for learning for you. None of these am I insinuating... Just use your brains and sound discretion.

2. Don't compare yourself with others

You must have heard the term "fake life" a couple of times, considering plenty of fads that fly on social media. And because of this, you see some people who feel sorry for themselves. Why? All because of what others are posting-- pictures of luxury and exotic lifestyles.

Sadly, oftentimes, these unfortunate individuals allow depression to take the best of them, with the erroneous belief that everybody else in their world is doing pretty well than them. (What you may call facade of social media!)

But in reality, that's not always the case. You lose your peace when you try to compare your life with other people, whether online or offline.

3. Take charge of your thoughts

You must have heard this a hundred if not a thousand times:

As a man thinks, so he is.

While this ancient saying has proven to be so true, over and over again, many still find it difficult to take charge of their thoughts.

Being in control of your thoughts

Show me a person who's in control of his or her thinking, I'll tell you the person who has found a way out of depression. In every way.

Yes, the way a person thinks affects almost every aspect of his/her life. Ranging from maintaining a healthy lifestyle (through proper diet and exercise) to maintaining a great relationship with other people. Sadly, a lot of people feed their minds with self-defeating and destructive thoughts that cripple them. Thereby putting them in the dark box of depression.

Nevertheless, there are really beautiful ways to take charge of your thoughts.

But a simple, sure way is to practice positive thinking. In all situation. No matter what.

For me, my Bible is just too perfect for a resource material, through which I can achieve this-- freedom from depression.

Hope you found this post helpful? However, I'll like to hear your thoughts on how you manage the tendency to slip into depression in the comments section.

Written by @Degreatmyke. Your content creator, blogger, and copywriter.