Article - The importance of lights and warmth and living creatures in the life!

in OCD4 years ago


We should always be engaged with having lights and warmth in human nature, also when coming to energy. And life is most exciting when we are being alive in it!

You can fill your notebooks with agreements and all small details in life. And we must live the life as good as we can! It is more important to be without fear and anger, than having these things. And we should love life, and we should want to be there as long as we just want. It must be positively orientated with being old in the country in question, and think about getting quality in life for all your moments when being there!

Åge Aleksandersen is a famous music artist in Norway, and he comes from Namsos. He is singing about light and warmth in human nature, and doing it alone and also together with other people that you find in your ways in life! Strengthening your relations, and doing the networks even bigger, is a nice thing with life. Friendship is the best in life, and you get it free! Fantastic!

Åge Aleksandersen is singing that we should give light and warmth to each other, and also having faith and hope in life! And there should be trust in relations, and you should build the relations with pleasure and smile. And all we are achieving in life, is just to build and give satisfaction in every way everywhere! You cannot deny any human in your hands, if you have none reasons for it. And everybody is your friend, unless you state them as your enemy. Statements are things we are choosing in life, and we cannot get every statement at every time, but we should use ourselves and our relations to the satisfaction of everyone. And looking in the history, you find the same trends. It is better to give love, laughter and smile in life, than to exclude some people from your networks. Many of us working with customers, are building networks through the whole planet. And we should love each other, either we are customers or employees.

Some people claim that life is a dance on roses, and some mean that life is no dance on roses. We often get theses of different kinds in nature. But try always to be in good mood, and change the negative outlook and inlook to something better! People are responsible for what they are doing around you and me!

Life is like a drama, as the famous Norwegian author Henrik Ibsen stated in his life. We cannot be sure of everything, but you should stand in the winds of change and doing new and better things than before. Soldiers and state leaders of all kinds can be around you. You should use your whole body to love people, and you should use your whole body when you are working. And at any time, you are thinking and being constructive to build the environments in the organizations as you are other people admire! Try to love life, and thank God and your parents for being! To be or not to be, that is the question as Winston Churchill told us in his life. And he can continue with that message also today, and after his death and funeral! We cannot live through all times everywhere, but we should be living than living, and we should make a great and wonderful time out of it. And I can get statements of every kinds, also in all societies in the world, and we should make an analysis and an understanding of everything that is possible to treat in that direction!

I wish everyone good luck for the present and the future! Competence and research are giving us to win all battles in life, also with stupid behavior from some people that are living!

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Sverre Larsen

Kristiansand, Norway

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