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RE: Uncle G-dog's weekend hive-giveaway winner(s)

in OCD4 years ago

There were really cool entries and I enjoyed reading them all. But @riverflows' weekend made me laugh out loud. We all experienced similar things in the lockdown, but all i did was complain -her using humor to deal with the mandatory quarantine in a hotel room is amazing. I am very happy to be sharing the first place with her.
And thank you, @galenkp, for your efforts to boost the engagement on Hive.
You are in Australia, right? If you want a ride to the outer space every now and then -maybe when your arm gets better-, give a whistle to Sirius - he will be hanging out in your sky during the summer.


Yes, I'm Australian, born and bred, and very proud of it too! I think, as good as Australia is, that a trip to outer space now and then could be good for the soul. i'll put Sirius on speed-dial.

Yes, many good entries; It shows, very clearly, that people can engage, can show personality and passion...That was the point of doing it. An experiment of sorts. I hope you participate gain.

I am looking forward to next one.