Something About the Love of a Cat

in OCD4 years ago (edited)

There is something so special about the love of a cat. I think cats sometimes get a bad rap when compared to dogs. I love the independence of cats. Cats can be quite loving and affectionate. I had the love of a wonderful cat for nearly fifteen years and I would not trade her for anything. She recently passed away, but she still has me thinking about the love of a cat.

I brought my cat home from the Humane Society when she was just four months old. She was very skittish, but she was also so beautiful. It took awhile for her to bond to me and surprisingly it was when I first had to take her to the vet that she clung to me, and a great friendship was born. I was married late in life and I lived away from family for most of it, so she was really the family that was there for me on a daily basis.

I looked forward to coming home to her. She would greet me at the door and always wanted me to rub her belly. I liked when she cuddled up next to me on a cold night. I thought it was especially cute when she would sleep under the covers for extra warmth. She was quite talkative too and I really do miss her meow. She was so soft and nice to pet. I thought she was so funny when I was on the phone because she had to be right there. She could be anywhere else in the house, but if I was on the phone, she came running and had to snuggle up on my lap.

She was there for me through many highs and lows in my life. When I felt lonely and dejected, she was there to accept and love me. There was a time many years ago when she was attacked by some dogs where we were staying. It was a rough time for both of us. She needed surgery and did not hesitate to do it. I am so glad I did because we had so many more wonderful years together. She really didn't get along with many people, but that actually made me feel more special because she was truly my cat. I did have to watch my hair around her because she thought it was a toy and for some reason she liked to bite my toes, but those were small things. She brought far more joy into my life than grief.

The love of a cat is a special thing. A cat can be a great companion for anyone who needs a low maintenance pet. Cats need lots of love too. I hated to leave my cat for too long and I know she was always glad to have me back if I was gone for too long a time. I am missing the love of my cat and I have no doubt that one day soon I will find another cat that needs my love as much as I need its love.


This makes me really miss my cat Harvey :(