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RE: Lavender Harvesting

in OCD4 years ago

That sounds awesome!
Yeah, it is awesome to finish my masters, but i am also really looking forward to being done. My thesis partner fell ill with covid, and had to go to the hospital for 14 days, so we had to postpone our hand in. So now i just really wanna hand it in!

Are stills legal where you are from? I thought they were kinda iffy because you can also use them to make alcohol?

I am doing well i would say. I have a big decision to make when it comes to changing jobs, but i am working on figuring that out. In 2 months, it should be a lot more quiet :)


Ah! So sorry to hear about your thesis partner! I had covid visiting my home too, 3 members of my family got it, it was really hard to stay safe and healthy during that time, but because of some miracle I got by without getting ill or even if I did get it, it was so mild that I mostly didn't even notice. It was, however, very stressful as I was taking care of one of them. All the sanitation madness was a bit too much for me.

Good question, I would probably need some sort of permit to have such device, but I am not sure yet, have to research a bit more.

Hope to see you posting soon! :)

Yeah, it was pretty bad! I didn't experience any symptoms either, but i did go into quarantine after he went to the hospital. I suspect i must have had it at that point, as i was trapped in a small room with him for weeks before he got it.

I really hope your family is okay now?