in OCD โ€ข 3 years ago

Hello and a good day to all members of this great community I hope you all had a wonderful night's rest.

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Today I want us to sit right and read through this post and I do believe someone will have a rethink in his or her life.

Now as an individual imagine that you were out for work and you heard a great shout of our Lord Jesus Christ.

And you heard all the archangels blow their trumpets ๐ŸŽบ.

And you will be caught up with the king of glory who is waiting for you in open arms to welcome you into eternity.

The rapture that is what am talking about, the hope of all believers. The Bible records that it will happen in a twinkle of an eye when we least expect it.

" In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye" (1cor.15:52)

Yes, it is true that all believers or say all Christians await this great event but none of these people know the time or norther it will happen.

Indeed, this rapture is talking about is inevitable but for sure it will be an unexpected event.

Signs and events have shown that this great event is very close and it is what the church is waiting for.

Now, this is the knowledge am bringing that we should be alert and guars ourselves from anything that will make us miss that great event as Christians.

It will be very painful and even worse as a Christian you miss the rapture. And you may be doomed forever.

There is one thing that may wonder us from taking part in this rapture.

And that is the Unforgiving-spirit. This is happening or enters into us when we are offered by someone and we feel he didn't do well to apologize and you refuse to forgive that is how the spirit comes about.

That is why whatever sin or offense someone or find light have done to do, you must forgive and let go in your heart.

Jesus states in Matthew.6:15 "if ye forgive men, not of their trespass neither will your forgive hour trespass"

It is very easy to obtain forgiveness from God but if you don't forgive your offenders, God himself will not forgive you for that grudge you are holding against them.

Besides, you must first clear yourself with God and ask him to forgive you and give you the grace to forgive others.

So please don't harbor any unforgiveness in your heart โค๏ธ but rather choose to forgive.

In conclusion, maintaining a holy life and walking with God is very important.

"Every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure" (1John.3:3)

Brethren, this is a way of being rapture-ready as a Christian.

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Yes, He is coming soon and much much sooner than we think. I get excited on cloudy days and the though of not dying as Paul said that some of us will not see death, how awesome is that! I've done months of Rapture studies and now posting on it. The evidence is clear is patterns are found right throughout the bible! Keep sharing! :)