[MY OWN BIRDS] || “Heavenly bodies are nests of invisible birds.” ― Dejan Stojanovic ||

in OCD4 years ago (edited)

One day I was getting up very early. So I like special birds a lot. I like to get up in the morning and hear the call of birds. So I thought I would buy some birds too. I will keep them in my house. And I will talk to them, I will listen to them.

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So whether these birds. I bought these from a shop next to my house. Suddenly I went to the store and saw the birds there and bought them. The birds are very beautiful. I bought four birds....

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There is a funny thing here, these birds lay eggs every 20 days. Which is a lot better. So I think I would need a much bigger cage. Because if they lay eggs after 20 days, ultimately many birds will become mine. It feels good to think about this.

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There is another interesting thing here. But there is a couple here. They stay together all day and have romance. It's great to see those together.

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I am trying to take care of the birds. With proper care they will stay for many days and give me joy



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