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RE: The hard spiral down

in OCD3 years ago

yes i really get what you say, i always had it easy, in classes i would get to result with no study at all, doors would open in my mind when the test day came, i had this idea people all are the same i came to be very sad to understand how hard it is to make peeps see their flaws on some aspects of life, i sense im confrontational, shock therapy is my thing lol, i talk blunt and this does not win me many friends, i guess i been a bit more lenient this last few years but i always think if i try and am hard with myself, i have all the right to be with others, i do get what you say about making them see, but it really is a unproductive work for the most part, i think of it like love, because i love the person, i try to reach their inner core and strike some change, i sense if i did not care about this things i would be much richer and probably would not suffer so much, i just cant help it, i think a friend must tell you unpleasant things, there is no way to be true otherwise, taps on the back do not make people friends, wish i could turn of the empathy thing, or maybe not understand nothing of this at all, serious sometimes it is like a curse, watching people and putting them in slots with such predictable outcomes, understanding can really be a thing that makes you suffer a lot...