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RE: 3 Years Old - A Flashback to the Past

in OCD3 years ago

One thing I don't think people realise is how good the Steemit content was in late 2016 - it was a real treasure trove. And the payouts too - I once got over $400 for a post (no bid bots) and that was not unusual. I'm going to start reposting some of my old sift666 posts on Hive because there is no way I would spend that much time writing a post now - I'm a lazy old burnout these days, and I make more returns from curation (catch is, there is nowhere near as much good content to curate now).

Your posts stand out like dog's balls because they are as good as the best Steemit posts from 2016.


I heard about these massive payouts. I have yet to break $100 (but have come close). if this lousy token ever goes up then maybe it will happen.

Your posts stand out like dog's balls because they are as good as the best Steemit posts from 2016.

Well thanks.., I just start typing and it flows usually. I don't make any special effort with my posts, though I put them all through Grammarly and attempt to proof-read them all before publication.

It was funny - all my best payouts came when Steem was worth bugger all - when it was up over $5 my good payouts were around $40 and I didn't think that was anything great (I would now!)

In Aug 2016 Jeff Berwick got $15,000 for his first post - and that was pretty much the first thing I saw happen on Steemit - my eyes popped out of my head!