Beach walks and future thoughts

in OCD4 years ago

It's a difficult time around the world these days; We're bombarded with negative news, fear and uncertainty and for me it is a little draining to be honest. To combat it I'm working to find ways to inject a little normality into life, some enjoyment and engagement that doesn't come by way of a computer or TV screen.

Faith and I took a walk on the beach last night as we needed a break from the hype around the current pandemic situation and the never-ending stream of death tolls, new cases and how to wash your hands commercials.

One of our favourite free things to do is walk on the beach as there's something relaxing about the sound of the waves, and we find the sea air energising...There's always wide open spaces too, which suits the social-distancing rules we are subject to these days.

We left our phones in the car and simply walked the beach for a couple hours, not even needing to keep our distance from others as there was almost no one there. We chatted about the present situation, the worlds and our own, and wondered about the future for both.

No one knows what this global situation will bring us, or where it will lead in the future. Governments hand out money as if it grows on trees and, for those of us in general population, all we can do is hunker-down, dig in, crawl under a rock and take care of ourselves the best we can.

This has happened before, in history - Humankind has had challenges to face and the fact we are here still means those challenges have been met and overcome...Sure, many may die, however at some stage humankind will prevail, or not. Only the future knows the answer to that.

For us...Well, it's time spent together engaging with each other and our own lives that seems important...We don't know what the future holds, but for now...It's life and we choose to make the best of what is handed to us.

It seems like a good time to call those you love and respect and tell them how you feel, to say now what may not be possible later. Don't you think?

Stay safe and sound y'all.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised.

Be well.


Looks like Henley beach jetty?

Largs Bay. 🙂

One of the best places to let out some steam and keep clear of the nasties - I wish I was close to the sea right now.

It seems like a good time to call those you love and respect and tell them how you feel, to say now what may not be possible later.

This I have been doing, should always have been doing, but I'm on it now.

Take care :)

Hey mate, it's all bad huh? But we'll fight...And learn too...You're right, we should always be telling those we value howe we feel, thanking them, telling them we appreciate them...If that's what people learn from this situation then it is worth going through.

Stay safe my bro...I'd walk on a beach with ya anyday.

It's not looking great over here - if you believe the charts we are on a par, if not worse trajectory than Italy :/

I'd walk on a beach with ya anyday.

We don't need to hold hands though right? :)

Yeah, I saw that...It's spiralling downwards...

Nah, we don't have to hold hands...I mean we'd have an ice cold Great Northern in one hand anyway...

We went to some very quiet hardware stores today and luckily we are in Finland, so social distancing is the cultural norm. I haven't been to a proper beach in almost a decade...

Sounds like a brilliant way to spend the day. I think we should all make an effort to spend a certain amount of time away from the screen every day. I personally don’t check the nexts more than once every 24 hours and barely that, I’m usually just checking statistics for 30 seconds a day and that’s it. But conversations always tend towards such topics. I try to steer them positively

Seems like a good plan that others would do well to follow. Thanks for making a comment, and taking the time to read in the first place. I really appreciate it.