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RE: Playing around in photoshop - adding Bokeh

in OCD4 years ago

Wow, that second last image is cool.

I was messing around with my macro lens today in the back yard...I didn't get anything worth showing...The world isn't ready for my terrible macro shots yet...Maybe one day.


Thanks for the feedback the second one was the one I was most happy with

With me with macro shots I find I get os many bad shots compared to the few good ones lOL

Yes, many bad shots was what I got today...No good ones...I got close though. I'll get there.

Thats the key to keep trying, its all about having fun, and for me, I think I learn more when I go out and get bad shots, it makes me want to know why and work out how to do better LOL

Yep, thats a good way to look at it. Failure in life has taught me more than success. The same principle works in photography I guess...And most things.

I think so , cheers and have a great day