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RE: 1095 + 1 - G-dog's journey

in OCD4 years ago

Hi Sofi, there is certainly nothing wrong with being here for the money; We all are in some way. Some need it more than others I guess. I live comfortably in a country where I do not need to struggle and so the small amount I have here wouldn't change my life much at all, but for someone in a developing country it would mean a great deal. We all find our own needs become the most important thing to us, specifically.

I am a strong believer in that relationships will drive earnings. Let's say you and I met and engaged in the same month back in 2017 and we nurtured that relationship. Instead of an occasional vote here and there maybe I'd vote you every day, and vice versa. That's the power of a relationship; Consistency.

We know each other now though, and have the chance to build on our foundations which is a good thing. Thanks for your kind words and I hope you have a great weekend.