
This is true if i had more hours in the day i certainly would be doing that i am surprised how fast time gets away on you when i am on my computer need more hours and now that i am back at work i have even less hours to play on my computer but will do my best 😊

Be looking forward to it @galenkp 👍

Time is certainly one of the most precious commodities. Hopefully you manage to find some to do those things in life that you value. If you have some time drop into hive, if not, then do what you have to do and get on here when you can.

I will certainly schedule myself around @hive it has opened up a lot of interesting doors for me that's for sure.

You have a great evening @galenkp 👍

Hive is a good hobby. As my only social media I see it as a bit of an outlet. With me working form home I have a bit more time now than usually. I'll make the most of it.

Unfortunately my work is all outside work so bit hard to be on a computer for me and i hate working of a mobile phone but i will manage to keep it up for sure 👍

Bummer, or a good thing depending on the weather! Lol.

You'll be here on hive when you can. There is life off the blockchain after all. Lol.

I do love the outside couldn't handle sitting in a office chair it's just not me.

Will do my best. Have a great day @galenkp 👍