
Haha, make sure you have those cluster shots ready and loaded in the cannon!

I don't know how the fuck you got this classified footage of me firing my cannon...That's me to the left with my thumbs in my ears flapping my hands like a wanker. The handsome one.

Of course, you're the tall bloke there, huh? I guess flapping your hands like a bird ought to disperse the shockwaves from bursting your ear-drum, lol! What I'd like to know is, how'd you manage to hide a howitzer like this in your basement?

Yeah, that's me. I don't know why I'm flapping my hands like that...Might be retarded.

how'd you manage to hide a howitzer like this in your basement?

Easy, I hide it under a box. The cops turn up, take a look around...Nothing! See ya cops, ya losers!

You should've have mentioned that... Now the cops are onto you. Better hide that howitzer, and yourself!

Lol...Many of my mates are cops...They have selective sight when it comes to the G-dog! Lol.

Wow, talk about double standards, eh? I guess if they catch me with a bag-full of Oreos at the airport, I'll just have to tell them that it's for the G-Dog. I've learned the secrets to legal immunity! 😂