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RE: Weekend-engagement week 25 wrap up: Focused on your phone photo

in OCD3 years ago

I agree with you in that I think this is all a little too convenient and that it's somewhat orchestrated, or at the very least, being taken advantage of. It's difficult for me as I sort of see it that way but most people just take in on the chin and go about their lives. That's what makes it easier for governments to implement control measures like this that are unlikely to roll back all the way when this is all over...If it's all over because I think we'll be dealing with this for a long time.

And yet this...


Seems to be no Aids control measures in place...No checking in of peoples private parts.



I know , it's nuts. All the staving people and over priced food...nobody doing anything about that either yet more dies of starvation than covid and that's a solvable problem. I don't doubt covid is real but I think it's a bad strain of the cold for most. H1N1 was way worse and nobody freaked out like this. It's got agenda 30 all over it.

Most of Canada is taking in the chin but somehow Alberta isn't doing too bad but we are the rebellious province of Canada. We have restrictions as suggestions but it's tolerable even tho we have a high rate of infection. I don't know for how long, there is municipal to worry about too. The largest outbreak in the province is in the neighborhood next to mine so who knows what they could try to implement if that gets worse.

When they report that people may have it with no symptoms you have to wonder about the true dangers of it right?

Don't worry, they'll force everyone to have the nano-mite loaded vaccine soon and free thought won't be a thing every again...Something like that...Who knows right? They will be able to track us, influence what we like and don't like, what we want and don't want...They do now of course, but it'll be easier when we have their nano-mite tech in us. :)

Welcome to the world.

They probably already have them godarn things in us via chem trails, look at the population 😂😂. It just didn't work on everyone. They are talking about not having enough vaccines in Canada, I will do my duty as a good citizen and leave them for the vulnerable 😆...if anyone asks.

I doubt the true dangers when I'm seeing biohazard waste all over the ground in parks and stuff. If it was that serious, there would be some biohazard bins and a big deal made about the littering ppe.

Ah yes, let the vulnerable old, sick and young get them...If they become zombified then you know to wait a little longer. :)

It's all rather convenient, the pandemic. We're all focused on it at the moment and in the mean time Australia buys enough missiles to sink the entire Chinese fleet in a single volley. It's like the girl with the glittering bikini helping the magician out...You know, I always missed the tricks as my attention was elsewhere. 😂

Same thing here I think, plus the added bonus of implementing some juicy control-measures to make sure us plebs stay in line.

To the pitchforks I say!

Exactly! I'll still try to dodge it as long as I can. I agree about the convenience of it all. I didn't know about all the eh! Makes you wonder what they are planning. They are full of greasy tricks, magicians and governments. They are def trying to cover stuff up all over. I know of a few shady things that nobody really heard about. It will come out later maybe, maybe never who knows. I think they are testing out how far they can get away with.

Most of us simply go about our lives oblivious to the machinations of the high and mighty, sometimes blissfully oblivious and often grudgingly oblivious.