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RE: What I Did On HIVE—May (2020)

in OCD4 years ago

Hey, @allover.

HIVE hasn't been the source of frustration for me as far as social media goes, or what people are talking about mostly. There are those, I know, who are talking about and taking stands as far as current events go, but I don't see all of that. I don't really go looking for the tweets or the facebook posts—they show up in news articles, though. So, it goes beyond just someone's feed, and as it is, I'm not on Facebook much at all and I only go to Twitter because we're encouraged on HIVE to help get the word out.

I do have sons who have very much been a part of the consuming of social media so I get things through them, too.

So, it finds me.

As far as earnings here on HIVE and before it STEEM, up until last month, I was seeing rises in earnings on posts. Last month felt like the bottom dropped out as far as upvotes went, and I've been wondering if I was the only one that happened to.

Otherwise, even with the inanity that can happen here—with people who can't seem to be happy over anything, satisfied about anything, or take the other extreme when something is actually wrong—I'm still here because I'm trying to build a future and it's been the best way for me so far to do that without investing a bunch of money in systems or entities that I ultimately can't trust. Here, I'm not 100% trusting anyone either, but there's always going to be risk, no matter what. You pick and choose what risks to take.

re: feeling this way

It's not like I (we) haven't seen this all before. It just keeps getting recycled and sometimes repackaged. So, it's not new. I personally think it could be resolved in a relatively short order, and should have been ages ago, but there really isn't a desire on anyone's part to do that, because it's not in anyone's own self-interests. Too many people in power would lose their power, and I'm talking from all sides of the equation. If things get resolved, people don't need others who claim to stand up for them or fight for them when really mostly what they're doing is fortifying their own power and enriching themselves.

So, it's all rather pointless and futile, yet here we are again, wagging fingers at one another and playing the same old tired game of who's to blame. And so many people treat it like it's all so new and revolutionary, or they think that somehow it's going to change the world this time, and somehow for the better.

What it's most likely to do is push things to the other extreme, and so we'll have another subset of people unhappy because now the pendulum has swung the other way.

Very few of us can hold conversations with each other anymore without someone getting upset about something because it doesn't line up with their own ideas, passion or sensibilities. We can't even seem to get black people to agree completely on what's happening or why, or how to resolve it. We just have to have equality, whatever that means, and however that gets achieved.


There are many problems in the world and it suits people's sensibilities to feel like they are doing something however what benefit that have may be questionable. I avoid social media at all costs, I even stop people from talking about what they see there as it is completely irrelevant to me, and often negative and so damaging. It doesn't make for good conversation as most seem only to want to talk about the latest rubbish they saw on Facebook but I'm ok with that. My well-being is more important.

Just on the voting thing. I think there was some change with the auto-voter which enabled people to put not only a daily limit, but a weekly limit in autos. The weekly default was 2 which meant that no matter how many daily maximum votes a person had set on a user, say 1 per day, it would only vote twice per week. If a person hasn't adjusted that then they're auto-voter will be skewed. Less.

Anyway, my hope is that you find what you're looking for to get you feeling better. No one should have to feel poorly with no path forward. As I said, I felt that way previously and it was a difficult time. I wish you happiness.