My Introduction To Hive

in OCD2 years ago (edited)

Greetings to every member of this noble community.





I am Ndubuisi Henry chikadibia, I would like to tell a little story of the origin of the name chikadibia. From conception to delivery, my mom told me of a man whom she believed wanted me not to see the light of the day, as fetish as the man was, he did all he could to actualize his plans of terminating the still born baby,he confronted my mom severally assuring her that she can't deliver successfully, either the baby (me) or my mom would pay the price but coming from a Christian and prayerful family, God answered my parents prayer and I was born spontaneously.

Upon my birth, my mom gave me the name chikadibia (God above gods) interestingly, I grew and decided to shorten the name to Chika, today all my certificates bears Chika and not chikadibia, this is not because I don't like the name nor the story behind it, but its because I found the name long as then (primary school) and on several occasions when we were asked to spell our names in the classroom I found it difficult to spell mine, then I decided to shorten the name to spell it easily when asked. Today it's only my mom that calls the full name and others stops at Chika, perhaps the name is so symbolic to her, sincerely, I wish I never shorten the name.

Also the name Henry which is my second name also has a little story behind it, my supposed English name is Inheritance but i gave myself the name Henry in my junior college, the name originated from a particular novel which I read and one of the good characters in that novel was Henry, I loved the role he played, I loved the description given to him by the writer and also its very short and easy to spell, being that no one calls me by my English name Inheritance and the name was long and heavy for me as at then to spell, I changed it to Henry and that's how Henry became my name as against Inheritance which all my certificates and all documents bears till date.


I am from Umuezeoche village, mbutu ngwa autonomous community Isialangwa south Local Government Area of Abia state Nigeria, I am a Patriotic Nigeria which I have demonstrated in complying with my civil obligations to the Nigerian state, Nigeria being a heterogeneous community and yet maintains unity to a reasonable extent is a thing of pride, conversely, I wish there would be improvements in Nigerian leaders as leadership is one of challenges facing Nigerians.

Educational background

I obtained my primary and secondary education at Holyland Christian College Uhum in Abia state, then in 2020 I gained my first degree LLB from National Open University of Nigerian in Abuja, the capital city of Nigeria.


I am a seasoned correctional officer working in the Nigerian Correctional Service, they maintain the mandate of the service which includes; Safe custody of those legally detained, Rehabilitation of the inmates while in custody to become law abiding citizens upon release, Reintegration upon rehabilitation we also reintegrate them back to the society equipping them so start a new and better life free from crime.

Family life

I am happily married while expecting my first Child soon.


I love reading because it widens my scope of knowledge, each time I read I learn new things or get reminded of something I might have forgotten, I also read for pleasure hence I have read many poems such as ;THE BOY ON A SWING BY OSWALD MTSHALI, SOULS ERRAND BY SIR WALTER RALEIGH, THE FENCE LENRIE PETERS, UPON An HONEST MAN FORTUNE BY JOHN FLETCHER and many more.

I love playing football, I am currently in active football where from the right flank, I am also a supporter of Chelsea FC the current Champions and the current supper cup winner.

I love writing as it gives me joy from how I improve my skills each time I writes and also the manner at which I Captivate my readers.
I love watching movies though hardly get chance for that.

Why I joined Hive?

I've heard of hive as a community where people meet, write on a chosen sphere, gain knowledge by reading members writeups, the quest for more knowledge propelled me to join hive.

I would like to end my introduction here, thanks to @merit.ahama for introducing Hive to me and thanks to everyone who would read this, a written word is said to travel beyond voice and sight, this is who I am!


Welcome on board @henry.ndubuisi . Hive is a nice place to be and I trust @merit.ahama who introduced you to hive, she must have done a nice job as usual in putting you through.

Once again welcome,relax , engage with other people's post and learn more.

I'm blushing o 😂😂😂
Thanks a lot ma'am, you're just everywhere I must say 😊

🤩🤩🤩🤩, I am everywhere?🤩 But I am not MTN nah😄

Is like you are MTN o 😂

Thanks ma, indeed @merit.ahama has done noble in putting me through 🥰

You are welcome boss

Thanks so much sir, glad to meet you here sir.

Welcome henry.ndubuisi!
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Thanks for the information, I will do just that.

Hello @henry.ndubuisi! This is @traciyork from the @ocd (Original Content Decentralized) curation team. We noticed you shared your first post here on Hive and introduced yourself to the community - congratulations and welcome!

Speaking of community, we have many different ones here on the blockchain, devoted to all kinds of interests. Here's a link so you can check them all out - Hive Communities

Also, as Hive can sometimes be quite confusing, the newly launched Newbies Guide is a growing repository of useful and easy to understand posts about how the Hive ecosystem works.

Please be aware that Hive is a bit different from other social media platforms since you are monetizing your blog, so it is important not to include content that you don't own without sources (and it shouldn't exceed 50% of the post). For more information, check this post - Why and How People Abuse and Plagiarise by hivewatchers.

I'm sure @merit.ahama will continue to help you as you begin your Hive journey, but if you have any questions, feel free to hop into the OCD Discord server and we'll do our best to answer them, and again welcome to Hive!

Good to see you here on Hive Henry. Hive is indeed a good place to explore, learn and discover more and I'm sure you it will bring you the best. Enjoy your stay

Awesome intro! I hope you enjoy it here! Welcome!

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You're highly welcome to join us, we hope to get more of amazing post🥰🥰.

I'm currently studying in NOUN as well. How was your experience?

Congratulations on almost becoming a Father.

To others your story might be absurd but i believe because the same situation preceded my coming. My grandfathers (maternal & paternal) wanted me dedicated to their shrine. My mom would not allow it so they began to threaten me.

On her knees, my mom went to war few days later my father's father died, my mother's father got blind 3 days later, and I was born two days after.

The passion with which you introduced yourself is contagious. Keep the fire, you'll need it. Engage with other authors and try to make friends. 😊

via Dreemport

Hey, I'll be in your inbox, maybe, tomorrow. I want to ask about Noun 🥺

Alright 😊

Thank you ❤️

Wait, on a second thought, I'll be there now, and leave my questions for you if that's okay with you 🥺

Alright. I'm going there now

Welcome on board. This is a fun place to be. Keep up with the fun here and you will find that hive is the best platform ever. Welcome again Ndu.

@merit.ahama is this our new husband or should i mind my business 🤧😁🏃🏾‍♀️🏃🏾‍♀️🏃🏾‍♀️🏃🏾‍♀️

You should mind your business 😂😂
Longest time my Love 🤗

I stand down oooo 😂😂

My dear, dealing with offline shit... Not easy 🤦

Don't worry, soon, I'll be back, full force.... Don't miss me too much.... Lol 😂😆

I'll miss you too much o
So you can come with full force faster

Hehehe.... I hear you babe. Just give me a few more days 🥺

Alright love, be kiaful o

I definitely be. Thanks darling 🤗💕

Extremely pleasant introduction @henry.ndubuisi, you sound like a well rounded individual.
Allow me to give you my list of suggestions for newcomers:
Seven suggestions to consider:

  1. Guard your passwords carefully, and only publish with the posting key,
  2. Use your active key only for wallet transactions, Keychain, Peaklock, and Hivesigner,
  3. The master password and the owner key are only used to reset compromised passwords,
  4. DO NOT lose your passwords; copy and store offline,
  5. Do not publish other people's work, be it photos or written, without credit, and be sure to source all of your work, even if it is your own.
  6. An introduceyourself tag is used only once , and
  7. Do not open any links in memos or comments that you do not know who they belong to. If it sounds too good to be true it probably is, so the old saying goes. There is nothing free here.

Open invitation to The Terminal also, this will take you there:

This post was obtained through Dreemport.
