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RE: Hive Blog! Here I Come. An Introductory Post

in OCD2 years ago

Hahaha yes, even then I feel like I am missing out on things. But, every once in a while, I think, all of us should take a pause and look back at what we have achieved. This helps in appreciating all the little things in life and lets a person have a peaceful life.

6 doctors in your immediate family, sure sound like something to be proud of.

Indeed. But all we talk about on dinner is what book should we be reading next. Pathology or Forensic? (On a lighter note)

Thank you so much for such a warm welcome. I'm here to stay and I am here to influence people through my words. A lot of learn and a lot to teach. I'm looking forward to a wonderful journey ahead.


Lol. It's still good that you guys commune either way.

Yeah looking back and appreciating the little things in life do matter a great deal.

It's good that you are here to stay. Keep at your best!