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RE: Thoughts on Dimensional Shift

in OCD4 years ago (edited)

I am going to come back and watch your vid in it's entirety later but I have to go somewhere right now. I just want to say that I am having a HUGE experience right now. Starting with getting an energy healing remotely from this lady in India - 7 sessions and then also watching this amazing vid of London Real interviewing David Icke - - watching this to the end where he gives the solution has been amazing for me...
I have been having some kind of amazing shift happen - and for the first time, I am not going to tell many people about it as to not deplete my energy because it is truly very important. I love your halo! I think you might enjoy this also

... to me the shift is that I have to choose - FREEDOM or SLAVERY. I have to let go of negativity - I just have to understand that the people I don't understand who seem to be doing horrible things have forgotten who they are...I am remembering and I have to continue to remember - I can help them, by remembering who I am, since we are all connected - in order to do so, I have to increase my meditation practice, etc - pause whenever I am in doubt or become angry, and go back into meditation before making any decisions - thank you for your post.


I have had the experience lately, where a person who inspired hate within me has been showing up in my dreams.
When I see her in the dreamspace, she is a shiny blob of love that truly wants forgiveness.
I know that the person who walks around has this within her, and as you say, she has just forgotten who she is.
Letting go of our hatred of those who are basically lost children is important.
It's not easy, but I think it's really important.

@TarotByFergus | Recognizing that "she" is most likely a reflection of multifaceted crystal plasma resonance that got shoestring wound in fascia from the big bang lies is helpful. Most likely, who you are seeing now is the person who holds where the remote viewed was previously being #GreenForCash stamped into a feed on tape worm.

Your forgiveness is the real fork Eve wanted for you to see how much you grew in the witness of pH8.

