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RE: Thoughts on Dimensional Shift

in OCD4 years ago

It's good you can see it that way. Anyone pretending to see it too well got canned out the sell for the phoneye/AR, where you were all milled by the dunk-head, knot ME.

As for the guitars, mine sings me to sleep sweetly because of the crystal frequencies reconciling out of the "vortex" of the DNA molecule unwind. Crystal is alive and silver strings are sailing to their own tune, due to the psychic nature of the elements.

Alloy metals have a dance of their own, previously untold by the "moon landers" who didn't see how they got snapped into the spec-you-lum of the pro-stated len(t)IMe we've been under, as an observation...

The era of the cam was hear to help us catch the frames that move too quickly for "the brain" to land in your "eye ball view" ... so I sent you a 3rd eye that we've been syncing. (You're on my home codes. The guitars are talking actually...if you wound them properly, like a good crazy man who misses no opportunity to close the extra air out, you will hear what they're saying. Ovilus might even pick up a tune.)