I'm back after a Hurricane literally tried to kill me ... did you miss me???

in OCD4 years ago

Ok, that title may have been a bit hyperbolic.

Over a week ago there was a Hurricane. I'm too exhausted to remember its name right now ... let's just call it Karen.
Due to this annoying Karen Hurricane, I lost my electricity and internet. I just now got it back... 10 days later.

This irritating Karen hurricane turned into a Category 4 and the eye was headed directly toward my city....the middle of nowhere Texas ... so there was a mandatory evacuation.

The last time this happened to me I was living in Long Island, NY... Hurricane Sandy.
At the time I was living across the street from a canal. Less than a mile down the street was the ocean so there was a mandatory evacuation.
I had nowhere to go so I didn't leave.
I told myself that I would never do that again.
Watching the water flood down the street and fearing I would drown is something I never want to experience again.
Luckily, my place did not flood.
I was, however, without electricity for 2 months.

2 ...

Months ...

Anyhoo, we have 12 cats due to the kitten extravaganza that we recently experienced.
Anyone with cats knows that they generally do not like to travel. They are very territorial and extremely attached to their territory...causing much stress when they are relocated.
But, we live just a couple hundred feet from a bayou and this area tends to massively flood during such storms so we had to evacuate.

The kitties had a horrible time ... most of them throwing up from the stress. And by the time they started to adjust to the new location, it was time to move them back home again.

So, we came back home last Friday to no electricity and 95-degree weather.

Constant heat and no relief from it is exhausting.

Good times.

On day 3 of this lovely experience I was sitting in my car to get some AC and typed this on my phone:

Life without electricity after a natural disaster:

  • Try to get a generator but they are all sold out

  • Get a battery which charges phones and a fan

  • Clean up cat vomit from stressed out and overheated cats

  • Take a cold shower which actually feels good

  • Immediately start sweating after getting out of the shower

  • Try to fall asleep, unsuccessfully, in what has essentially become a sauna, with the small fan blowing hot air on you

  • Battery dies in the middle of the night

  • Get up in the morning, dripping with sweat.

  • Spend the day trying to find ice for the cooler, food, water, and trying to find a better battery and/or generator

  • Clean up more cat vomit

  • Try to eat even though you just feel sick from being overheated

  • Oh! Someone 2 cities over has offered to lend us their generator!

  • Go get generator

  • Go get gas for generator

  • Go get a thousand extension chords

  • Go get more fans

  • Hook up the AC unit in the bedroom

  • Take another cold shower

  • Get an actual decent nights sleep with AC

  • Get up

  • Get more gas

  • Try to find more ice

  • Fight with husband because we are both exhausted, overheated, and crabby

  • Put more gas in the generator

  • Try not to pass out from the fumes

  • Try to clean the disaster we made with everything we brought when we evacuated and just randomly threw around the house when we got home

  • Get overheated and sit in the bedroom with the AC and 12 screaming cats

  • Clean out the stinky fridge

  • Hook up the fridge because there is no more ice anywhere

  • Put more gas in the generator

  • Take the long-ass extension cord and bring it to the laundry building to wash clothes

That was just day 3 of no electricity.

Over 500 poles and power lines were down.

Every day was just spent trying to get food, water, and attempt to be comfortable.

And the phone internet was hit or miss....mostly miss.

Oh....day 5 ....a woman was found dead in a car right outside my place. Apparently the poor woman had dementia. She wandered off and just randomly sat in someone else's car. Died from the heat.

So, in conclusion, I thought I was ready for a Zombie apocalypse. I also thought that I preferred warmer climates.

I was wrong on both accounts.

And Hurricane Karen is an asshole.


I have noticed that you weren't active and to be honest kind of made me worried.I know how it feels like without electricity and sweating all day.It is because in my country there was a significant power outrage problem.That was when I was a child or teen ager.

But living 10 days without electricity that feels like something close to hell.It is something I have never gone through and something I don't like to imagine.It is good to have you back Isaria. Oh,and the last time I asked you you said you had 7 cats,that was probably 3-4 months ago.Are you planing to make a cat colony?

lol thank you Philip!❤️
One of the cats I rescued was actually pregnant and it was too late to terminate so now I have 5 kittens that I need to get adopted....or just start that cat colony lol

Okay, let's be honest.. The above is all true, except for the part where you did any of that. sigh

I get no credit at all.


Good to see you're OK. The key is preparation, next time don't let a hurricane get the best of you!

I never will again! Thanks Drakos ❤️

Sorry to hear what happened.

Glad to have you back :)

Thanks Nathan!❤️

Damnnn, so sorry you went through this, so awful D: I hope it gets better from here. Huggs for everyone!!!

Thank you Kristy! ❤️

Oh honey. I'm so sorry you had to deal with this but I'm glad you all survived. Sending love.

Thank you Katrina! ❤️

These tests let us know just how much we take for granted. As you have seen now on two occasions preparation isn't only for the conspiracy theorist.
Glad your back and in one piece...

lol true....I will be prepared for the next one!



I'm so sorry. I'm glad you have electricity again.
And 10 days seems horrible... but 2 months?! That's just crazy balls.

Glad everyone is home, safe, in air conditioning, and not puking (hopefully).

Love you!

2 months was torturous insanity...and during that time the temp dropped down to the 30's and it snowed lol.


Oh my....😬 😰
Happy you are alive 😌

Thank you Barbara! ❤️

Wait you only fought Shane one time? just one? during the whole deal? i am surprise cause well ... obviously this is all Shane's fault.

Im so glad you are all ok and your house survive and have power now the heat and not power is awful combination but that is over and now i hope you are just inspire to do more awesome music to let it all out.

lol we may have fought more than once ...
Thank you Victoria! ❤️

I am glad that you are safe and back. We have to learn to fight with these natural catastrophes.

Yes thank you!

I'm glad you and your fur babies are ok, I saw the tweet and was concerned!

Thank you Pris! ❤️