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RE: Squirrel tricks and others!

in OCD4 years ago

Expensive taste for a squirrel, very nourishing indeed, she will need that with the cold weather.

Such beautiful birds visiting, have not seen many of late, sure to be around playing hide and seek with me again.

Have a great day!


Easy to feed him avo, as we eat it almost every day Lady Joan.
Marian doesn't scrape the skin out and leaves a bit in it.

I stood outside today talking to an 80 year old lady, still full of life that lives here.
We heard an approaching commotion over head and as I looked up, the Harrier Hawk was fighting in flight with an Egyptian goose.
Of course I grabbed and lifted my camera but guess what.
Yes, it wasn't switched on!

Now you know the SX60 is not fond of quick snap shots, as firstly it takes a few seconds to switch on, then a few seconds for the settings and then a few seconds to extend the zoom and another few seconds to focus and...…!
At least I got a shot of the top of a tree lol.
Such is life my friend.

We had a nice cold and clear day today. Went to the river for some shots and will go again tomorrow if I get a gap.

Blessings to you guys!