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in OCD โ€ข 4 years ago

I hope with the other ear you can hear enough what you are dreaming ๐Ÿ˜‰

Good morning @papilloncharity, I hope you had a good night๐Ÿ™‚

That poem was what I needed this rainy morning. I had planned a nice ride today, because I took the day off, but in the middle of the night it started to rain and I don't think we'll see sunshine today. So I take these words from your poem: it rains, but I laugh andhope my wife does not want to kill me ๐Ÿ˜‚

Have a great day.

Cheers and !BEER

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Well now I only have right ear dreams my friend. lol.

Good morning and a sad story about the rain fnuking your plans.

I don't think that you are the kind of guy that a wife would want to "kill" hahaha.
Sure that you can enough at home to keep you busy for the day Sir @johannpiber

Cheers and thank you!

Haha ๐Ÿ˜‚

It was raining here, but not in Slovenia - after finishing my replies I repacked my stuff from one backpack to the photo backpack and drove by car to Slovenia for the first time since the end of February. I have just made a short visit to one of my favorite places there and left when more and more people disturbed the silence of the roaring waterfalls ๐Ÿ˜‰

Oh, I'm sure that my beloved wife sometimes think would love to visit me every Sunday on my grave ;) lol

Cheers and !BEER

So how far is the trip to Slovenia?
I will go to Mrs. Google to show me Slovenia and it must be a magic place if you are going there.
Hope that you got some nice photos to show us. Maybe a videao of the roaring waterfalls?

Hahaha, I am sure that many women think that about their husbands now and then Sir Johann.

Hope your Friday was good!

I was at the ล unik water grove:
From my home it is an about 1 1/2 hours drive over 2 passes. I have made some photos, but I'm way behind with editing, so they'll have to wait a few days, and I really seldom think of taking a video, although I always have my small Canon G9X camera with me.

All women are the same as well as we are all the same, but that's what the women say ;)

Cheers and !BEER

Thank you for the link and it really looks like a fantastic place.
Then I carried on and Googled Slovenia and it looks like a lovely place. The second oldest monastry is there.
You guys in Austria is also lucky to be surrounded by so many countries.

On the map they look like the same distances as South Africa's neighboring countries.
I have done some 2 day driving trips here when I was younger, leave early, sleep at 12pm-4am and drive again until about 10pm the next day.
But I think that some of the countries are much closer to you guys?

Maybe one day me and the wife will visit Austria.

Cheers and thank you!

That's the official tourist spot, which is very beautiful and I love it, but even more I love the forest around and there's a second stream too, where usually nobody else is ๐Ÿ˜€

I can be at the border to Italy and Slovenia in about half an hour. They are the nearest countries in the South. The others are reachable within a few hours.

Tell me before you come that I have time to leave the continent ;) lol
Austria is a beautiful country, you will see ๐Ÿ™‚

Cheers and !BEER

Indeed a beautiful place, and one can spend days there if one has the time. And that forest you are talking about, I am dying to see!

Wow! You have the bike, and you have the car for the family. If I were to live there, I would never be home on weekends. France, Rome, and all of the other countries will see me very regularly.
You are so lucky.

I will be a very happy man if I were to visit Austria, especially with you not there! Lol.
I suppose you will flee to the Siberian flats of Russia. But beware, I will find you there! Hahaha.

Cheers, and thank you.

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