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RE: Playing around in photoshop - adding Bokeh

in OCD4 years ago

Good morning JJ,

sorry for my late reply, but I didn't have much time at work, came home late and then I wanted to photogaph the Supermoon. When I came home then it was too late and I went to bed. This morning I tried to shoot the moon again, but as far as I have seen the photos both, yesterday evening and this morning were somehow fails. I couldn't get my long lens mounted with it's mount ring on the tripod and had to mount the camera, what has made the whole thing very unstable and so the photos have got quite blurred. So I better should have stayed at home and made some comments and replies 😉

🙂 yes, I think you have told me that story about your first chess experiences quite a while ago, but it was nice to read it again and imagine the faces of your brothers 😉



Sorry your moon shots did not work out is there some problem with the lens tripod mount I hope you can sort that out

Cheers and !BEER

Good morning JJ :)

I think the arca swiss plate I have mounted on the lens last week does not match the tripod head, but maybe I just didn't try it the right way - will sort it out later at home.

I am sure I can do something with the photos in Lightroom or Photoshop ;)

Cheers and !BEER

Well good luck both with the photos and sorting out the Plate and tripod ;)

I have none of these things done yet, instead was riding around the whole afternoon. It is warm and nice outside, just as spring should be :)
The only negative thing is that there are so many people everywhere - all nice places at the lake which have usually been empty in the past weeks are now full of people :(

I hope you have a nice afternoon too and have found some cool "C" photos 🙂

Well riding around must have been nice, totally unlike spring here, the temp is dropping going down close to freezing overnight and a chance of rain

I still have not looked for c shots yet, let me go and do that after I catch up with comments

Good morning JJ,

I hope you've had a good night after commenting and dreamed of the letter "C" 😉
Yesterday evening I was so tired that I shut off my computer early and slept until about 9 this morning. I haven't slept so long for ages.

After replying to the comments I want to pack my things and go on another ride - they say it will rain next week, so I have only this weekend ;)

Hopefully the weather will get better for you too, but on the other hand the rain washes the pollen away.

Cheers and !BEER

WOw that i a long sleep I hope you feel refreshed and are having a great day now don't fall off your seat I actually found edited and did a C Shot post
Its chill here this morning just on freezing point and some light sign of snow first thing this morning but its all gone now

have a great day

Cheers and !BEER

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