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RE: Seven Years...

in OCDlast year

Well, sand mandalas are a deliberate practice in detachment.. soo.. xD

In my experience trying to force oneself to 'move on' only ever backfires, so no point torturing oneself. The 'moving on' either happens gradually over some arbitrary length of time or it doesn't.
One thing that I find that DOES help whenever I feel I've ended up uncomfortably 'dependent' on someone else's energy is I reflect back on the time before I even knew them, to remember that it was, in fact, possible to live without them. The positive effects of this exercise get multiplied if I manage to dig up some aspect/hobby/trait of mine that I felt like I had to give up for them that I get to fully reclaim.

happy, radiant, in love, feeling on top of the world and savoring every moment.

That is one heck of a nice energetical pattern to focus on. Don't mind if I add that to the peace and clarity mix. ^^

And it's always, always, always important to create, no matter the audience. You can't possibly know who needs to hear you. Your audience maybe hasn't even incarnated into this 3D yet, what do you know. :D

still pretty much a "nobody"

You're not a "nobody", you're Rok-Motherfucking-Sivante and you GET to show the world what means!

Soo.. Rock on, you're doing great! ^^

