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RE: Buckthorn and Quartz

in OCD3 years ago

Wood is a wonderful material. It has so much soul. I wish I could find a way to include it more into my work, but I am so terrible 2D. My wife has made many artworks in wood even though she is a goldsmith.


Wow! Being a goldsmith seems pretty badass!
I know I could make more thingys if I could weld, but currently I am sticking with wood.
I just heard a story about companies trying satellites made out of wood! They are taking some to the International Space Station soon.

Ha, yes, that's how she sees herself, badass. And most people believe so too :)

In Sweden they have built multi-storey houses from wood - they are experts of woodhouses having built most of their houses in wood since the... well, probably stone age. The country is one big forest.