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RE: My Introduction Post

in OCDlast year (edited)

Nice one man, glad you joined up, I'm sure you'll get along great here especially once you get used to the place.

Here are a few communities I would join and check out,

Hive Gaming, is pretty self-explanatory, it's all about games and gaming.

Cine Tv, is a good community all about movies, and they do weekly prompts too.

Movies and Tv Shows, is another good place to talk about movies and tv shows.

There's a lot to see, I think the best thing for you to do is pop around and see what communities are out there and do a bit of reading, you'll find plenty of great people and cool places to hang out.



How many egomaniacs does it take to screw in a light bulb?
One, they hold the bulb while the world revolves around them.

Credit: marshmellowman
@xkasabian, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @killerwot



Good on you for onboarding a new Hiver!

Thanks so much man, I'm delighted that I have finally convinced someone to join. I think he'll be a good addition to the community.

Maybe I won't be, maybe I will become a HIVE villain.