Granate fruits - A rich source of antioxidants

in OCD4 years ago

The pomegranate fruit is considered one of the most rich fruit in antioxidants that gives multitude of benefits to health. You can use the whole fruit, that means, the skin, and the seeds that contain the juice.

This tree gives beautiful flowers which result in beautiful granates. The colors of the flowers attract the birds because they know that the tree has good nutrients for them.

The granates have multi vitamins, but the most important part for health are the antioxidants punicalagina and ellagitannins which fight against the free radicals. The free radicals cause damage to body cells, protein and DNA.

When we realize that we are getting old very quickly, and get sick all the time, it may be because we are letting free radicals proliferate in the organism. As soon as we start making changings in our life style and diet we start to improve our health. Granate juice helps a lot in this process of sanation.

You can investigate how many properties have this fruit, but my intrest is centered in the antioxidants because once you start consuming it you will benefit a lot. You have to drink the juice everyday. Health is a style of life, it is not a causality.

When I decided to plant a tree in front of my house I chose the pomegranate tree because I knew about its properties, and people know about it. I have many people asking for the fruits to use them as medicine. I didn't know how well it was going to help sick people, specially people with stomach problems

Remember that health is something we have to care everyday.