Looking on the bright side of covidiocy - and vaccinations.

in OCD4 years ago

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I think the above meme pretty accurately, sums up the conformists, the sheep, and - in the words of the greatest prophet of all time - barack obama - 'useless eaters'.(if you weren't aware of the sarcasm - thanks for reading by posts for the first time!)

Hive is full with them. (not for too long, with a bit of luck - I'm a working on it).
When I do eventually get around to going on the offensive (yeah yeah, I'm already offensive), this place is gonna be swamped by 'non conformists'.
Aggressive non conformists I might add, not the mild mannered pussy cat, that I am...

I digress....
So, if this vaccine gets released (non mandatory) and is widely available - just who do you think is gonna get in line, and smile like a lobotomized sheep as they stick unknown chemicals into your body?

The useless eaters, of course...

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Maybe this NWO has some eugenic logic going for it - identify those not offering much of value to the world, and stick 'em with something to 'delete' them...

Not only that, but get them to line up for it, in droves! lolol

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It's the most optimistic outlook that I can muster for the global cull that's being attempted.
Maybe, just maybe - the independent , authentic human beings, will be the ones left standing...

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Have a great day everyone! (including the delusionaly mentally ill- tip: clean your head)

Wise words of the day... (from an idiot).

Funny how the leftists control freaks wanna kill everyone that doesn't agree with them, yet the sane people wanna create a system that works voluntarily - for everyone - and wants to include those on the left..

Bloodthirsty lot aren't they?...You know - those authoritarian loving, lefty, useful idiots...


You are my daily dose of hopium!

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No vaccine for me.

I thought that'd be your preference, somehow...

There has been something i have known about the future.

Many, MANY women are infertile.
I thought it was because of the our current course on bad diets and continued moving away from the land and health. (one step being artificial meats)

But now i am thinking that it may be a result of these new RNA vaccines. Where it changes your body... into a thing that is unable to reproduce.

hCG may be included in a vaccine, which may cause infertility.

The Dutch Gov. will not force vaccine's , they will not be mandatory .
No they have a better plan to keep dividing and conquering the population .
Vaccinated people can , by showing so , get in to bars and other social places again , that is , at places the owner and employees can show that they have bin vaccinated to . There will be monthly shots and registration . (IBM is working on it )

Create a future where the face mask becomes like an arm band ,with a yellow cross on it . How we always seem to re-create our own history again and again .
The darker it gets the brighter the truth will shine ;-)

No vaccine, thank you. I've had three flu shots in my (earlier) life and had the flu all three of those years. In the 37 adult years in which I did not get a flu shot, I have had the flu twice.

I'll take my chances.

blows my mind that people go out wearing face diapers - fuck that shit!

and fuck the trannies - i saw a 6'4 freak in a bright green mini skirt today - in wellington!

why does nz have a communist transvestite for a prime minister?

bunch of arse...

Meet the Transgender Doctor Leading the COVID-19 Response


Calm down, calm down, lolol